Read the Tomahawk Chop concerning .XXX here:
from – The notorious .xxx top level domain is now available for registration, and three sites appear to have been registered (, and At the time of writing these did not contain any inappropriate material).
After what appears to have been a lifetime of talking, the move for an internet “red light district” has actually happened. The question now is will anyone use it? And if so, who?
The most likely first users are going to be domain squatters. One of the most traded addresses on the web,, was recently sold for $12 million, so there is potentially money to be made.
The ICM has already said that the new domains will only be available to those working within the adult industry and not general public. To that degree, “the contract will require anyone registering a .XXX domain to complete an application process endorsed and overseen by the International Foundation for Online Responsibility (IFFOR),” and “being that as a sponsored TLD [Top Level Domain], .XXX domain names will only be available to the adult entertainment industry.”
That being said, registering a .xxx site is one of the most expensive TLDs going. They are $60 per domain name. That requirement that only those who work in the adult entertainment industry can access the domain may cause problems.
Slashdot has covered the story in its own way. Someone purporting to work in the adult entertainment industry, in a very (not suitable for work) passionate reply goes into great lengths as to why this is a retrograde step. In essence it is the Larry Flynt, freedom of speech argument.
As long as the courts can’t agree on what is obscene, the law cannot be used to ban your material. … But the .XXX domain is a yellow star, it is the entry in the register that shows you are related to jews and therefore, a jew. A .xxx domain is ONLY available for adult material there for by definition a .xxx domain IS adult and therefore… obscene.