Porn Valley- The story of Lara Roxx continues to beg more questions than answer them. Roxx, accompanied by Mia Donovan who’s shooting a documentary about her, was a guest at KSEX last week, on a show hosted by Anita Cannibal. But all Roxx’s appearance did was give rise to more speculation.
Donovan didn’t get much mike time other than to say she was a former sex worker. And Roxx later admitted she started working in the sex industry, underage, as a strippper.
According to Roxx, she worked with fake ID’s up in Canada, principally in the suburbs of Quebec and Montreal. Roxx, however, made a point to say she was 21 when she started doing movies.
“Her time though wonderful, was cut short,” reflected Cannibal noting that what cut Roxx’s adult industry career short was the fact that she got HIV.
Roxx said that during her time in the adult industry she shot 18 scenes over a two-month stretch, 15 of those in Canada and three in Los Angeles.
Roxx said she got ELIZA tested in Canada. And once she arrived in Los Angeles, Roxx talked about how she discovered huge zits on her ass.
“They were painful but I wasn’t thinking about HIV,” she said.
“As soon as I got off the plane I got an AIM test,” she continued.
[But if Roxx is willing to concede she did three scenes in Los Angeles, and was at some point determined HIV positive, that would mean she’d have had to work without a corroborating AIM test. Either that, or worked knowing she was HIV positive.]
That line of questioning was never broached, however.
Instead, Roxx told Cannibal she was infected with HIV on a TT Boy shoot and had worked with Darren James and Marc Anthony. Though Roxx never mentioned the fact that she worked with James two months earlier in Canada.
[Donovan said she heard James got HIV in Braziil, although one hypothesis is that Roxx may have already been infected at the time she worked with James in Canada.]
Either way, Roxx said she came to Los Angeles with the idea she’d make $20,000 to $30,000. Instead, she wound up $5,000 in debt. It was noted that TT Boy was later fined by the state of California, for anywhere between $30,000 and $90,000 depending who you talk to.
According to Roxx, when she first started stripping in 1999 [her mother was aware of that], she had mother figures looking out for her, She said also got her sex education through elementary school and high school programs.
“I was pretty aware of a lot of stuff,” Roxx told Cannibal. “I knew how to put a condom on a penis before I ever saw one [a penis].”
According to Roxx, she’s now become something of a sex activist in Canada, is learning more about HIV and how it interacts with other diseases and is vocal every occasion she gets.
“I’m like the sex doctor in my family with my younger siblings,” she states. “My family tells everyone they’ve got a cool cousin.”
Roxx said her family, especially her father and uncle, have been there to support her.
“I had big plans at the outset,” said Roxx of her intention to come to California, indicating that part of her decision was based on the fact that she had web content stolen from her.
“I thought I’d just go to California and make loads of money,” she states. “I was hungry- I was robbed.”
Cannibal, who was doing an outreach program with trannies at the time the Roxx story broke, said those with HIV have to avoid foods like sushi and stick to drinking bottled water.
“I wouldn’t want to give HIV to anyone, even if I hated them,” Roxx reflects.
Cannibal bristled at the fact that no one in the industry seems to be paying attention to Cal-OSHA warnings about blood borne pathogen exposure in the work place.
“With the influence of the Internet and greed, there’s no condoms on the work site and it sucks,” Cannibal added, noting that industry attorney Greg Piccionelli told her condoms were mandatory in Brazil.
According to Cannibal, medical costs for treating HIV could amount to as much as $2,600,000, and so she asked Roxx if she was taking legal action against TT Boy.
“I was told I should,” said Roxx but hesitated because she felt it would be bad karma for her to do so.
“I don’t want to sue,” she continued. “What goes around comes around. I want their karma to hit them.”
Roxx indicated that she’s not so much as heard from TT Boy.
“He’s never tried to help or make inquiries- he basically paid his people not to talk to me. He totally ignored me.”
Cannibal thought it certainly couldn’t be for lack of money because she’s seen TT driving around in a Ferrari.
Donovan said she started looking into the sex industry as a subject for a documentary because of Roxx.
“She came off innocent, naive and easily manipulated.”
Donovan also said she had a feeling that agents and producers prey on girls with low self esteem.
Cannibal asked Roxx if there was anything she wanted to say publicly to TT Boy.
“Call me,” urged Roxx.