Porn Valley- With 20 straight wins, more New England Patriots palaver is obviously in store tonight on Aria and Lee Stone’s KSEX show, [6 pm PST]. But last week the conversation got around to bodybuilding and the fact that Aria’s now competing on the pro circuit with it being announced that Aria did her first Pro figure show.
“It was the 2004 GNC Show of Strength [in Atlanta],” Stone reported. “She got to step on the stage with the big pros now.” Stone told about their trip to Atlanta with a 5 am stop over in Dallas. “There wasn’t a Starbucks open anywhere. We were dying.”
After Aria registered for the figure show, Stone lent some detail on how Aria had to get her spray tan. “Like Earl Scheib.”Aria said it was pretty funny. “I was standing there buck naked and had someone with a spray can spraying you, patting it, evening it out with a little sponge brush. Bend over, spread your cheeks. Well, not quite spread your cheeks.” Stone said they wound up sleeping most of the day. “Of course she goes to get coated like Earl Scheib.”
Meanwhile, Stone went to Coffey’s Gym to train. Hardcore. “If you’re in Marietta, Georgia, check it out,” advised Stone. “The hardest hardcore gym you’ll ever find.” According to Stone, a lot of the Olympic women power lifters train there. “That’s where my roots are.”
Stone recalled how Aria, the night before her show in New York had to lie completely still on her back so as not to smear her tan.
“Mind you the sheets were brown- just coated with the stuff. This time it’s a pro show. I’m not going to touch her I lay off to the side, minding my own business sound asleep.” Stone said when he woke up his hands were bright orange.
“My hands were the tannest I’ve ever been in my life, but it was only the palms. I kept saying don’t, you’re tan! You’re tan! It had no affect on her.” Aria attributed it to the two glasses of wine she drank for vascularity.
“Okay- I haven’t had water for a day and a half. I’ll have two glasses of wine. You should have seen us back stage- me and one of the other girls.” Aria said her and another girl decided to watch the fitness routines while drinking wine. “She’s like, man, I feel kind of funny. I’m like, really. How many have you had? I had two this morning. Then I had a Margarita. Then I had two more, or was it three. When was the last time you drank water? Yesterday?”
According to Stone, it was obvious that most of the other girls were not used to walking in the high hooker heels. “They sort of looked like Clydesdales in them. Like dancing ponies walking across the stage. They weren’t the most graceful, and, of course, Aria just glides across the stage. Her feet don’t actually touch the stage- it’s amazing.” Stone said there were 31 women competing all of whom had to remain taut even when they weren’t posing or flexing. That’s when Stone noticed that Aria was chuckling to herself. “I couldn’t understand what it was and she told me about it later.” Aria was completely circumspect about what made her laugh but you got the impression that it had something to do with their being in the hotel room the night before.
“She did really well,” said Stone. “She looked great.” Aria, according to Stone had to compete in one-piece, two-piece bathing suit rounds in addition to the evening show. “Which was in front of the big crowd.” Stone noted that a couple of Aria’s friend competed in the figure contest. “They had some quite risque routines.” Aria said she was embarrassed and she’s a porn star. Stone said it was a lovely T&A show until the women bodybuilders came out.
“Mind you I like a girl with musculature. I like a girl that works out. I like a girl with tight muscles, etc. But some of these girls, for the most part 90% of them- I was going to say if you cover up their head and just look at their body, it looks like a guy’s body. But with this contest you couldn’t do that. Most of them had very, very, very masculine looking faces. I will say that the winner of the show, she was like 5’4″-5’6″ and probably 175 shredded. She was a really big girl. But she looked really feminine.”
“This year they allowed the competitors to come out in costumes to give the show a little bit of entertainment value,” continued Stone who described one woman coming out in a gray Afro wig and a skeleton mask. “Throughout the entire posing routine she does not take the mask off. It looks like a guy in a two-piece wearing this mask.” Stone thought the woman was 57. “She was stacked but at the very end of the show, she takes off her mask and everyone’s like uuuuuuuugh.” Aria said it was one of those faces that not even a mother could love. “I think a lot of women’s bodybuilders- either they’re really ugly to start with and have nothing else going for them so they decide to go into bodybuilding.”
The results of the contest, apparently, told Aria she needs to put size and musculature on her legs. Stone wondered aloud if that would affect the way the porno companies and magazines see her. “I know when I get heavy as far as when I get a lot more muscle, like 20 pounds, they start going well, we can’t hire you because we can’t see the girl. We see little arms and legs flailing.”
Aria’s of the opinion it will affect her. Stone said there might be a half dozen guys who have the muscle size and look but most men in the industry that she might be a little intimidating too. Aria said it happens with the women, particularly when she works for Britney Foster who does the hardcore girl-girl for Metro. “I usually play Lee Stone. Can you do that Lee position, Aria? How about the up and over with the strap-on. They’re really going to be intimidated but it doesn’t matter. They’re going to have to deal with it. Priorities.”