Matthew writes regarding an interview I had with James Bartholet,
“Hey James- What’s the deal… can you please not lump us in with rip off promoters.
‘Another Porn Party Disaster; Did Sexopolis Party Gouge Fans?’
[that was my headline]
This headline makes it look like Sexopolis was a Porn Party Disaster & we gouged our attendees. Which is nowhere close to the truth!
“’And I heard about the Sexopolis party,’” Bartholet adds. “’That closed early. They didn’t allow half the media. That was a flopper, The Penthouse party was a flopper, also. The problem with Sexopolis is they were charging fans $75 and saying that would get you in there.’”
Seriously James are you doing this to fuck us over???
What did we ever do to you?
Our guest list for media alone was over 75 people (guest list total was 250+)!
I mean how many fucking people do we have to let in for FREE to be “COOL”?
If the “MEDIA” doesn’t have the courtesy to at least email us or RSVP the day before the party is it our fault they are not on the list??
Honestly James, this is pretty shitty that you are trying to slander us and hurt our events through inaccuracies and half truths.
We are EVENT PROMOTERS and have been for over 23 years.
We don’t throw small little bullshit screw job parties! We try to provide the best talent & ENTERTAINMENT possible.
Obviously you didn’t ask anyone that was at our party about the attendance (it was not a “Flopper”) we had over 1100 including “Media” & guest list!
I am unaware of LA porn parties that get over 1100 people.
Dude we charged $10 to fans / that attended Erotica LA. If you didn’t buy your tickets at Erotica LA (for the extra $10) and decided to buy tix at the door of Sexopolis they were only $30! (NOT $75) Considering all the talent we had confirmed, I think that $10 was more than fair.
Dave Navarro
Ron Jeremy
-The Wicked Girls-
Kaylani Lei
Jessica Drake
Mikayla Mendez
Joanna Angel
Sunny Lane
Metal Sanaz
Plus tons others showed up.
Incidentally we only had 68 people walk up and pay $30 the other 800+ people paid $10!!! OH GOD WHAT RIP OFFS WE ARE!!! $10!!
Should we have thrown the party for FREE. Do you know how much an ad in the LA Weekly is or City Beat, OC Weekly, Campus Circle, IE Weekly or Rock City News costs… Shit ain’t free.. It’s actually crazy expensive!!! Not to mention 20,000 half page flyers, radio staffing!!
Our events aren’t free Forbidden City, Basque, Sardo’s gigs that don’t charge rent and we make some eFlyer.
We aren’t doing this to meet PORNSTARS or anything else other than to make a living.
(I am in a committed relationship so banging pornstars is not what I am about)
We don’t have 2nd jobs this is what we do 24/7. That’s it!!
We are promoters of our brands.
Can you please at least give the real facts before sliming us?
Do you realize our events at The Henry Fonda Theater cost us over $15,000 for rent alone?
The money comes out of our pockets. In advance. That does not include ANYTHING else (ie. advertising, insurance, flyers, radio etc.)
Really how many people do we have to let in free. We bust our asses to create a great event. Should we let everyone that says they are “INDUSTRY” in for free.
The bottom line is It’s a fucken party. If you wanna go to the party don’t you think people should pay.
We personally know about 40 people on our guestlist of 250+ people that got in free. NOT ONE PERSON THANKED US FOR BEING ON THE GUESTLIST?
I hope that you are not one of “THOSE PLASTIC PEOPLE”. When I met you and in conversations with you, I always thought that you were someone with integrity. If I was right please contact me so we can clear this up.
James could you please relay the facts to Gene and please ask him if he would change the article headline to not include us in the Disaster.