from – It’s an impulse that most defendants instantly experience the moment they are sued.
“Let’s sue ’em back.”
I’ve heard it many times during 18 years of practicing law, but rarely did a defendant ever go through with it. It can make the defendant appear mean or vindictive, and definitely not sympathetic.
But Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has provided a rare exception to the usual rule.
He has sued the woman accusing him of sexual assault for seducing him.
“At all times while she was in Mr. Roethlisberger’s room, [the plaintiff] acted voluntarily,” Roethlisberger’s formal answer to the complaint the lawsuit states. “Mr. Roethlisberger did not sexually assault, batter, falsely imprison, or otherwise commit any crime or tort against [the planitiff].”
In the latest filing, Roethlisberger’s lawyers claim that the accuser “has a history of using sex and lies to get what she wants” and that “consistent with her pattern of promiscuity and deceit, Ms. McNulty is lying about sex to get money and to save her job.”
In support of his counterclaim, Roethlisbeger specifically alleges that the accuser engaged in “extortion, abuse of process and defamation.” Roethlisberger’s claim demands damages in excess of $10,000 (likely the jurisdictional minimum in Nevada civil court) to compensate for “lost opportunity for endorsement deals and other revenues, damage to his reputation, emotional distress and legal fees and costs.”
But here’s the thing. Unless she buys a winning Powerball ticket at some point in her life, the accuser won’t have the cash to pay off a verdict in Roethlisberger’s favor. That’s why the better approach might be to just defend the case and not sue a woman for a monetary award that she’ll never be able to afford.
Then again, Roethlisberger and his legal team likely are hoping that she’ll simply cave and go away. Filing a lawsuit against her could be the thing that causes her to decide that enough is enough.
from – RENO — In a filed response to a lawsuit claiming he raped a Harrah’s Lake Tahoe employee last year, Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger said Andrea McNulty planned to seduce him when she came to his hotel room that night, and while there, she did nothing against her will.
“At all times while she was in Mr. Roethlisberger’s room, Ms. McNulty acted voluntarily,” his lawyers said in their answer to her suit. “Mr. Roethlisberger did not sexually assault, batter, falsely imprison, or otherwise commit any crime or tort against Ms. McNulty.
“After spending a short time in Mr. Roethlisberger’s room, Ms. McNulty left.”
The NFL star’s lawyers said McNulty “has a history of using sex and lies to get what she wants,” and said now, “consistent with her pattern of promiscuity and deceit, Ms. McNulty is lying about sex to get money and to save her job.”
Roethlisberger seeks unspecified damages in excess of $10,000 to compensate for “lost opportunity for endorsement deals and other revenues, damage to his reputation, emotional distress and legal fees and costs.”
McNulty “willfully, intentionally and maliciously made and published unprivileged defamatory statements including that Mr. Roethlisberger sexually assaulted her,” Roethlisberger’s lawyer, John Echeverria, said.
Cal Dunlap, McNulty’s lawyer, told the AP on Friday he had no comment on the new filing.
McNulty filed the suit in Washoe District Court in July, claiming Roethlisberger, who was in town for a celebrity golf tournament, lured her to his Penthouse suite claiming his television was broken, and raped her.
She said she reported the alleged rape the next day to the head of security, but feared telling the police because she thought she would be fired. The suit said she suffered an emotional collapse in the months that followed the alleged attack.
The lawsuit also names a list of Harrah’s management, whom she claims conspired to cover up the alleged sexual assault.
Roethlisberger and the Harrah’s employees deny the claims, and have filed motions that include affidavits saying McNulty was infatuated with Roethlisberger, and later saying sex with him was “the best ever.”