Toronto- As a result of her lawsuit with the Chanel perfume company, and the publicity that’s being stirred about it, Toronto escort Chanel Richards seems to be goring the bull. So much so that the head of the company attempted to have Richards’ interview taken off of City TV, a Canadian TV station.
“It ran all day,” noted Richards when the company attempt at strong arming failed. “Six o’clock, 7pm; 11 pm. There was a ticker all day today on it.” Richards has been constantly in the news this week the moment her story hit the Toronto Star [the result of stories on].
However the media attention isn’t helping Richards much when it comes to the selection of a lawyer to represent her case. “I keep bumping into racist pigs of lawyers,” she said. “Montreal’s even worse for that.” Nonetheless, Richards’ story is gaining more exposure with each day. After the Star interview, Richards was approached by the two largest TV stations in Tornoto, City TV and Toronto 1.
“Toronto 1 just did a telephone interview,” says Richards. “But they had my website up,, on the screen, slowly, tantalizingly going over my body and my face.” So far Richards says she’s being given positive press. “Everyone’s been on my side and showing me in a good light.” Richards mentions that when she taped her interview with City TV, the reporter received a call from the head of Chanel and took it outside with the cameras rolling. The reporter was told that Chanel was sticking to their guns and were going to sue Richards. The TV station recorded the exchange and it was later that the station received another call from Chanel headquarters demanding that the interview not be shown.
Richards, who’s now being recognized everywhere she goes, said she will continue to do interviews with the media. “The word’s getting out there like crazy,” she said. “I’m not stopping.”