New York- PORN is everywhere. Jenna Jameson just signed a contract with Elite models, Paris Hilton hit superstardom after her X-rated antics and high-school girls sport “Porn Star” T-shirts.
Now comes “XXX: 30 Porn-Star Portraits” (Bullfinch, $35), a new high-end photo book from famed portrait photographer Timothy Greenfield-Sanders. The lensman turned his camera toward adult stars like Jameson, Nina Hartley and Peter North. The poses – ranging from clothed to completely nude – can be heroic or proud, confrontational or tired. The pictures are supported by witty essays from Gore Vidal, Salman Rushdie and others.
How did you get interested in porn stars?
It all started with “Boogie Nights” in 1997. Porn stars struck me as a group that would be fascinating to photograph. I did nothing about it until 1999, when a friend called and said, “I met a porn star. Can I bring him over?” He didn’t end up in the book, but he posed for me clothed, then said, “OK, let’s do the nude one.” I was really taken aback.
How “XXX” turn into a book with essays?
I didn’t pick up the project again until (“Deep Throat” star) Linda Lovelace died in 2002. That spurred me on. I’d ask writer friends about it, and they’d say “I’ll write something for it!” John Malkovich, who’s a friend of mine, said he’d write something. Then Gore Vidal came on board with us, which helped get other great people to participate.
Did you know much about porn when you started?
No. At the beginning I knew who Nina Hartley was, and maybe Tera Patrick. But one name leads to another.
Did you watch the porn stars’ films before you shot them?
No, I didn’t do research. I’d rather just go with my gut.
Why do you think porn stars are so comfortable being nude?
There is something empowering to them about being nude. I photographed one of the women for the book, and when I met her again, she’d had her boobs redone. They were huge to begin with. She said, “Men like big boobs.” In the photos, each porn star conveys their own attitude. I’m always looking to make the person look at how he or she sees him or herself. I shot the clothed photo as they were when they came off the street. Jesse Jane looks literally like the girl next door. The nude shots were more glamorized.
Why do you think porn has exploded in the popular culture?
To a great extent, it was people like Howard Stern making celebporn stars into celebrities. Once you’re a celebrity, you’re part of pop culture. It doesn’t matter that you screw for a living.
What is the line between art and pornography?
I don’t really have an answer. What I do is art. These are portraits of clothed and nude people. So much about porn is based on completely objectifying the performers. This book humanizes these people.