from – LAKE CHARLES, LA -It was a crime that at first lent itself to crude jokes– a woman arrested for crime against nature after having the family dog perform oral sex on her. But the case involving Pamela Fruge and her husband Shelton unfolded into something even more sordid: severe child abuse.
It was the sexually deviant behavior that first called attention to the case of Shelton and Pamela Fruge– when videos were discovered of one of the family dogs performing oral sex on her. But as the facts unfolded authorities learned the case involved sexual exploitation of a six year old girl who was shown that video- and who Shelton raped. And the case had ties to a man in Denmark as D.A. John DeRrosier explains. “There was an individual who is now, I understand, under arrest in Denmark who was a willing participant in this and received some of the videos. It appears that this six year old female child was being prepared for sexual exploitation either personally physically or by video.”
Shelton Fruge has pleaded guilty to aggravated rape which carries a mandatory life sentence plus 99 years on other charges. Pamela Fruge pleaded guilty to crime against nature, indecent behavior with a juvenile and carnal knowledge of a juvenile and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
In sentencing the Fruges Judge David Ritchie characterized them as despicable and evil. He told them, “You treated her like a sex toy and that is just evil, evil, evil.”
DeRosier warns those who would exploit children in Calcasieu Parish. “To use young children, to exploit them, whether it be for sexual gratification or for money is just unforgivable. Anyone caught doing that will suffer the same prosecution that these defendants are suffering,” said DeRosier.
Shelton Fruge will likely never be released from prison. Once Pamela is released supervision should assure she never again has access to children.
Shelton Fruge faced child pornography charges in Federal District Court where he’s expected to be sentenced January 27th.
Officials say the Fruge’s dogs were turned over to animal control and put up for adoption.