Porn Valley- Earlier this month Cytherea was on KSEX to talk about the fact that she placed No. 3 in Genesis Magazine’s list of Top 100 porn stars. Cytherea also mentioned that she’s acquired a butt since working out with a personal trainer, John West. As Cytherea was doffing her top, Wankus asked what nationality she is. She replied Hispanic. “You got those brown nipples like a Hispanic,” Wankus told her. “Hers are brown like a sexy, Latin momma.”
Asked what else she’s got going on, Cytherea, said she was running her contest where in 250 words or less a fan writes why he wants to fuck her. “I pick one and one girl- they fly theirselves out here and I pay for their testing.” Wankus then let everyone in on a “secret that no one knows,” the fact that he’s fucked Cytherea. Cytherea then started ragging on her man Brian about not being able to get hard for her.
Brian, aka Plus One, explained that it happened at a swing club and about being on “the E-train”.
“We were in what is known as the ‘dark room,’ he explained. “It’s the motherfuckin’ black room. The guy beside us on his knees at whiskers. I bumped into him going in there.” Cytherea noted that she was now in the same category as Sandra Bullock because Brian didn’t get up for Bullock, either. Wankus explained that was because Brian was coked out that night as opposed to Ecstasy. Brian also had a GHB story where a girl twice fall asleep with his dick in her mouth. “That’s hard on the ego.” Brian said he was awaiting a re-match.
A discussion ensued about how Cytherea spent a ton of money on gifts for Brian, recently. Except that she bought them at the airport. Which then prompted Brian to go into another Cytherea story in which she was flying back from Utah. “Cytherea clogs the toilet in the airplane,” he said. “So bad that they have to call the maintenance guy. Cytherea walks out of the bathroom. She’s like, I hope that’s the only fuckin’ thing broken on this airplane- the toilet.” Cytherea said a big piece of poop got stuck in the little round thing. “It was supposed to go down and never went down.”
“Number 3 on the Genesis top 100,” Wankus laughed. “Poop clogger.” Asked if anyone said something to her, Cytherea said she dared someone to do that. “I had to fucking shit.” The odd thing said Brian is that airplane toilets will normally suck your ass out of the cabin. Wankus wondered what she had for dinner. Cytherea said it was something that was making her fart every two seconds.