Remember when we told you to be on the alert for a Darnell Riley in connection with the newly discovered Paris Hilton tapes?
The National Enquirer reports: Eight weeks after burglars broke into Paris Hilton’s Hollywood home and stole videotapes, three mystery men are offering 14 hours of X-rated video showing Paris with ex-boyfriends Nick Carter and Jason Shaw.
The tapes also supposedly show the blonde heiress smoking pot and making a racial slur.
“We deny these tapes were stolen from Paris’ home in the recent break-in,” says one of the men, who asked The ENQUIRER to identify him only as “Darnell.”
“There are loads of videos of Paris Hilton. We just were able to get them and assemble them, and we edited them.”
“These are shots taken from six months to five years ago. There are 14 hours in all. There are photographs, too. They were all legally obtained. The pictures were all shot with Paris’ full knowledge and by a number of different photographers and video cameramen.”
Darnell claims the tapes show Paris and her friends smoking pot, and Backstreet Boy Nick Carter and Tommy Hilfiger model Jason Shaw are both seen performing a sex act on Paris.
Darnell admitted showing an 11-minute clip of scenes from the videos to Los Angeles-based newspaper reporter Carole Aye Maung, who published an account of the footage in Britain’s “News of the World.”
In an article in that newspaper, Maung describes seeing Paris writhing in the back of a car as she is “groped intimately” by Carter.
Another scene shows Shaw knocking on her bathroom door and Paris opening it naked.
In yet another scene, the 23-year-old heiress is seen smoking marijuana and joking, “Paris Hilton part two: How to roll a joint.”
Darnell said the tape also shows Paris talking to two black gay men who were asking if she would model their fashion line.
“She’s sweet to their face,” Darnell revealed–but after they walk away, she refers to them as “dirty n——.”
“These tapes are dynamite,” Darnell told The ENQUIRER. Pressed about how he and his two partners obtained the tapes, Darnell said: “Things happen. People get desperate. They sell things.”
The break-in at Paris’ home took place during the first week of August.
“There was a lot of other stuff that could have been stolen–priceless Hilton family heirlooms–but Paris said the only things that were taken were videotapes, photos and a bunch of Rolexes,” a source told The ENQUIRER.
A published report quoted a source as saying, “She’s bracing herself for further embarrassment” following the worldwide scandal that erupted after sexually explicit videotaped sex romps with former boyfriend Rick Salomon appeared on the Internet.
Despite her claimed “outrage” over the Salomon sex tape, millionaire Paris has reportedly profited handsomely from it after agreeing to share with Salomon the proceeds from sales of the tape!