Sacramento, CA:, a very popular escort community site, has created a quick-reference guide that offers helpful advice to escorts. The Escorting TipGuide is free to members and is filled with questions and answers, and business tips, provided by other escorts.
“I got the idea to create the Escorting TipGuide when I saw that a lot of the questions posted in our Forum, and submitted to our ‘Ask the Madam’, were similar,” says Ms. Lisa, founder of
“We picked the most popular questions and the best answers posted by actual members (escorts), and developed this handy guide.”
The infamous Ms. Xaviera Hollander, author of the best-selling autobiography The Happy Hooker (and former escort and madam in New York), was so impressed by that she agreed to be their October “Celebrity Spotlight”.
“Xaviera Hollander is an ICON in the sex world. Her book has been reprinted a zillion times, she’s been a guest on every major television and radio talk show, and she has had the longest running and most successful column in Penthouse for 30+ years, ‘Call Me Madam'”, explains Ms. Lisa. “We were blown away that she wanted to be featured on our site. She loved all the unique features (like the Escorting TipGuide), and really understood what we are trying to accomplish with” membership is FREE and the site is a community site for professional escorts. It’s where escorts can share advice and access articles and information on legal issues, health, lifestyle, marketing and business. Key features of the site include: Forum, International Sex worker Job Board, “Ask an Expert” (Madam, CPA, Doctor and Financial Planner), Celebrity Spotlight’s and much more.
To join the site and read Xaviera’s amazing personal story, and receive a FREE Escorting TipGuide, go to:
For more information about, contact Ms. Lisa: [email protected]