Porn Valley- In news that would have certainly been well received in any stronghold of Visigoths, Jason Sechrest made a case for universal sexual experimentation.
As he usually does on his KSEX Friday night show, Sechrest, reports on the week in porn. As one of his chosen stories, Sechrest talked about the Ben English flap, and the fact that there’s been a wholesale e-mailing throughout the industry of a video clip featuring English having his cock sucked..
“Ben English and his gay porn tape- can we talk about this?” Sechret said. Sechrest reported that he called Hannah Harper and told her he received “a very disturbing video” of her ex boyfriend having his cock sucked by a man.
“Ben English is a very famous straight male porn star,” Sechrest went on to relate. “There’s this video circulating now online- somebody who doesn’t like Ben has apparently been sending to everyone including me of him being dick sucked by a guy. Apparently a video he did a long, long time ago.”
Sechrest wondered why anyone would care. “I mean I hate Ben Eng..I don’t. I love Ben English,” said Sechrest cattily. “I was going to say I hate Ben English as much as the next person. But I think what I should say is I LOVE Ben English as much as the next person. It’s sort of the same thing. There’s a thin line between love and hate. It’s true. Ben I actually respect a lot as a director and performer.”
Getting back to his why should people care statement, Sechrest was trying to make a case for the fact that people experiment.
Everybody experiments,” declared Sechrest who might also find a minority vote on that issue in a North Woods logging camp.
“How many straight male porn stars is it going to take before the straight industry finally realizes that none of them are 100% heterosexual? No one in life is probably 100% heterosexual. How many of them is it going to take to the point where we’re no longer shocked by it. This has happened with like almost every single straight male person star out there. There’s some revelation of something they’ve done behind the scenes or a video comes out where they’re getting head from a guy or they’ve done more than that, or whatever. It’s all of them.”
Sechrest said if you were in the position of working in the straight porn world and had fucked a different pussy every day of your life, “You’re going to start looking at dick eventually- I promise you.” On the other hand, Sechrest said English was the same guy who attempted to dissuade Hannah Harper from coming on Sechrest’s show.
“Because he felt it would be bad for her career to sit next to a gay male porn star. Everyone’s done my show from Jenna Jameson to Gina Lynn to stars of NYPD Blue and Queer As Folk. And you’re going to stop Hannah Harper, your girlfriend, from coming on my show because you don’t want her to sit next to Billy Brant?”