WASHINGTON – The Rev. Jerry Falwell says a White House run by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton would energize his base of religious conservatives even more than if the devil were the Democratic nominee.
“I certainly hope that Hillary is the candidate,” Falwell told a private prayer breakfast. “Because nothing will energize my (constituency) like Hillary Clinton.”
“If Lucifer ran, he wouldn’t,” Falwell added, drawing a roomful of laughs and cheers.
The remarks came during a 40-minute address Friday morning at the “Values Voter Summit,” sponsored by the country’s leading conservatives and featuring several Republicans who are considering running for president in 2008.
The Los Angeles Times, which reported Falwell’s comments in a story Sunday, said it obtained a tape recording of the talk and confirmed Falwell’s remarks with those who heard them.
An aide to Falwell said the remarks were off-the-cuff and not intended to demonize the Democratic senator from New York.
Attendees also were assured during the prayer breakfast that God would preserve a Republican majority in Congress.
There was no immediate reaction Sunday from the senator’s office.