Maybe it’s time you had your cards read
from – Do little girls wake up one day and dream of climbing the pole, or dancing naked on top of random men? How that sad vocational trajectory begins is usually thanks in great part to a crappy childhood and possible sexual abuse.
But for Cami, a former altar girl and student at NYU, the choice seems bizarre.
Cami left college two years ago to become a prostitute in Nevada at the famous brothel “Moonlite Bunny Ranch.”
She is joined by her boyfriend and owner of the famous brothel, porcine senior citizen Dennis Hof.
In this episode, Cami voices her reasons for choosing this lifestyle and why she feels this career fulfills her and helps her help others that are struggling with love and companionship.
Cami’s mother and brother join the show and plea for Cami to return home and resume her education and quit the business of selling her body, today on “Dr. Drew’s Lifechangers” at 3 and 3:30pm ET/PT on The CW.
Cami – “Giving to people and making people happy is really rewarding for me.”
Dr. Drew – “So you feel she is giving up a piece of herself to do this kind of work?”
Cami’s mother – “More than piece. Your whole life. You’re gonna be used up….then what do you have left? Nothing!”
Cami’s mother – “You’ve always been my baby. You’re throwing your whole life away. When you call me and you’re upset and you’re crying. I know you’re suffering. I know it hurts you.”
Dr. Drew – “What is she crying about?”
Cami’s mother – “Sometimes the other girls are mean to her. She’s lonely. She’s sad….I just don’t think that giving yourself to strange men all the time is going to make you happy.”
Dr. Drew addresses Cami’s mother and helps her realize she is holding her back from being an adult. The “Peter Pan syndrome”:
Cami – “I will always be a baby. It’s just in my nature. I’m just a little baby. I can’t help it. I want to make everybody happy. I want everybody to feel good.”
Cami’s mother – “She’s a very young soul. A very young spirit…I know it sounds paradox compared to what she does. She is a very innocent, sensitive, young girl.”
Dr. Drew – “I’m not sure home is the best place for her. If you’re going to keep her and fantalize like this. She is going to be chronicaly disabled and have nothing else other than these sorts of opportunites to make a life for herself, or daddy to take care of her or mommy to take care of her. Use her body as opposed to this intellect that she has. That’s all she’s got. She’s not going to develop the adult skills. You’re not going allow it mom…this is getting ridiculous. This is getting absurd. If you want your child to make her own choices on her own, you need to give her the opportunity to do that…if you let her stop being an infant. You must stop!”
See the clip: