Bobbi Starr writes on If you’re anything like me, your parents used to chide you that you were going to school to learn, not for a fashion show.
A pre-Hollywood action star and pre-Scientologist Will Smith said as much when he was the Fresh Prince, but at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo, it’s as much a fashion show as it is a networking and business opportunity. I do more wardrobe changes for each day I’m there than when I’m on set, and that includes those scripted, big budget features.
Here’s what a typical day is like at the show, in terms of clothes, hair and makeup: I sign with Evil Angel, so the day starts early in the morning. I take care of my own hair and makeup (because I’m frugal that way), and if I have enough time, I’ll grab something to eat. I look like I just woke up, but damn I look hot.
I take care of my own clothes when I sign, though I’m a good team player and try to brand the clothes with Evil Angel on high-traffic surface areas (in this industry, that means logos on the boobs and ass). Some girls go straight to the convention in their signing outfits, some change in the ladies’ room around the corner. The G-string and pair of stickers for the nipples that some studios give out for clothing is a bit too revealing, even for Vegas, but you do see that too this time of year.
Three days, many outfits. And many, many shoes.
Three days, many outfits. And many, many shoes.
I’d also like to give fans a pointer on how to make yourself memorable to any porn star on the convention floor: Notice our shoes, damn it! Granted, mentioning how much women like shoes is like talking about how much men like breasts, but it should go without saying to compliment our footwear.
While men pack a pair of Nikes that are held together by duct tape and chewing gum, women take pride in our shoes and dedicate a good portion of our luggage space to them (or even separate luggage of their own).
We bring changes of clothes for everything we do at the show, and that includes new Manolos, Jimmy Choos and Ferragamos (or, you know, whatever’s cute at the discount shoe rack, depending on the girl’s budget). If you get caught staring at a girl’s tits, a good save is to tell her how great her shoes look.
After a long day of signing, all I want to do is stay in for the night and catch up on The Walking Dead I downloaded on my laptop. My hand is aching from signing all day and my face hurts from smiling so much. Room service?
Yes, please! During the AVN show, though, this is not an option. There’s too much networking to do, which in the adult business means going to the quintillions of parties held in conjunction with AEE. The number of parties going on for CES? You’d need scientific notation. There’s always a chance you could walk into a CES party instead of the porn party. It happens sometimes. Helpful hint for telling the two apart: The food’s better at a CES party and Stevie Wonder doesn’t play private concerts for any of the porn studios.
When I go out to the parties I keep sexy in mind, but with a matching jacket or some sort of outwear. Vegas temperatures are in the 20s to 40s this time of year. It’s a tall order, but I want to look glamorous without looking like I hang at the casino bar trying to turn tricks. I can’t be caught wearing the same dress or shoes twice, so I pack a new outfit for every night. There will, however, be girls wearing a pair of stickers and a G-string, despite the cold. And of course, I have to work in time for hair and makeup … again. Did I mention it’s on my dime? Because it is. Vegas is an expensive town, especially for a female performer at the AVN show.
Finally, there’s the AVN Awards. Think dressing with the gravitas of the Academy Awards, but on a high school prom budget. Seriously, it’s not like Karl Lagerfeld is going to dress anyone in this business in some haute couture outfit from Chanel—but the awards show is the one thing everyone knows about. The way the fans and casual onlookers pack the red carpet, you might as well be a real Hollywood star.
I like to wear something understated and classy. Also of note: The clothes I wear are all originals, because I sew them myself. Call me the Martha Stewart of porn. Even with all the gowns, however, some girls don’t wear much more than a G-string and a pair of stickers. (See a pattern developing here?) The new girls sometimes buy something from a Bebe store in Vegas … and inevitably end up in the same thing some other new girl is wearing. A problem you don’t need to worry about if you sew your own dress. Hair and makeup? My expense, natch.
So, if you’re coming to Vegas and you see me or any of my X-rated sisters, come up, say hi and yes, tell us how much you love our movies—but please, be a gent and help us with all the garment bags we have in tow.
And don’t forget to compliment our shoes.