Den posts on Jenna Haze & Nikki Benz at Hustler Hollywood, Ohio. Oops. Radio advertisement and Print advertisement said that they would be at Hustler Hollywood Monroe, OH on Wednesday 4-6PM.
I got there about 15 minutes early and watched the local FM radio station setting up their 2 remote trucks. I looked at the Print advertisement and noticed it said Jenna Hayes.
I waited and waited for the gals to show. At 4:15 I asked the clerk when the girls were going to be arriving. ‘Thursday at 7:00PM’.
The radio advertisement was wrong and the print media was wrong! I heard a few people complain that they left work early to visit the stars and I certainly let them know how I felt about it.
But, the best was the local FM disk jockey’s remarks to them!
To recap:
1> Wrong Date
2> Wrong Time
3> Wrong Last name
3 strikes and you are out!