Don Hollywood writes: I took it upon myself to contact Health Line Clinical Laboratories, Inc., the lab that process HIV and STD tests for AIM, earlier this morning. The purpose of my call was to inquire as to the time frame for the processing of the HIV & STD tests which AIM submits in an effort to ascertain what was currently holding up test results.
Not surprisingly I was told that I had to communicate with AIM as they were the “Client”. After all it’s only my blood and my health who do I think I am inquiring of a medical lab? Bottom line is that I continued to ask questions of a general nature including what the “current” time for processing HIV and STD test was and what the cost of the specific tests were. I was informed that, “currently”, the processing time was 2-3 days. After further questioning I was informed that they, (Health Line), anticipated that the processing time would return to 24 hours at “sometime in the future”.
In addition I was informed that the “current” slower turn around time was something that was announced to their “Clients” in advance, (exactly when was not disclosed). The cost for the tests that AIM charges $120.00 to talent are $207.00 and can be done by any doctor.
Not surprisingly more questions were raised than answered during this conversation. Most notably why didn’t AIM notify, or at least attempt to notify talent of the up coming slow down in processing of tests to avoid talent losing work? How is it that AIM can do $207.00 worth of tests for only $120.00?
I won’t even attempt to speculate what the answers are to these questions, I’ll simply remain curious and puzzled. As I’m curious and puzzled as to how AIM continues to operate in a vacuum. While all of us in the talent pool simply continue to roll up our sleeves and roll open our wallets to the only game in town.
The Dirty Old Lawyer, Don Hollywood, Hollywood Hunter Productions,