Heather Pink [pictured] writes on http://heatherpinknyla.wordpress.com/ :
Around Christmas I read an online blog that was interesting to me at the time. I commented and put my website in then moved on with my life. The next day when I looked at my WordPress dashboard there were some insane amount of view from the same blog in which I commented.
I looked back at it, not even recalling which blog it was and this girl had went back and looked at my blog and couldn’t stand the fact I did porn even though it has been close to 4 years since I shot anything.
She has made fake emails of me that she has done god knows what with. Online impersonation is a felony in California, I’d have to check New York though. She has even tried to comment on here, “I did porn because I’m stupid and not capable of doing anything else with my life.”, graphic insults, etc.
Her online fight with me, which is still ongoing, has said everything from comments about the size of my genitalia to I don’t have the right to look at any blog online or even live. Today I had to check a Google link to Twitter and apparently her and her bored friends have taken it there too. But from that I found this out.
Her name is Mary Ellen Buell. She hails from Balston Spa, NY. For those of you who are not familiar with New York outside Manhattan it is the West Virgina of upstate New York. I had to go there once when I was 16 for a music program in high school.
I wouldn’t have been surprised if the houses there didn’t have running water. This could explain her issue with me. Actually there is a type of woman who has issues with any attractive woman and she very well maybe the type. Here is a pic from her Twitter page although I can’t link it. I just threw up in my mouth.