WWW- Dennis Hof is having a birthday party and his employees are very excited. They are busy decorating the office with balloons and streamers, they’ve organised a cake and the invites have been sent out. But this isn’t your average party for an ageing bloke.
You see, Dennis owns a couple of brothels in Nevada, US. He looks straight from central casting: portly, bald and with a sheen of sweat, he is the epitome of the poor, deluded mugs that patronise his brothels, Moonlite Bunny Ranch and Madam Kitty’s Cathouse. The party is to be held at the more upmarket Bunny Ranch, but this second instalment of a 10-part series is centred on the goings-on at Madam Kitty’s.
The madam is Jan Cook, a no-nonsense Mancunian, who claims she ended up at the brothel thinking it was a cattery. However, her demeanour would have you think she’d be at home in a snake pit, especially as the house takes 50 per cent of the girls’ earnings.
Sex workers tend to be portrayed as fallen angels with hearts of gold, but the women here are remarkable in their ordinariness. Even when they’re all tarted-up, they look more like members of Spinal Tap than Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.
Hof has a gimmick – he employs porn stars to work at the Bunny Ranch. One of them, Jeani Rivers, goes into detail about how she manages to service the clients with her feet. You get the feeling that if she could do it via telepathy, her life would be complete.
Anyway, party time rolls around and a bunch of pimps, hookers and porn stars turns up. We are privy to Divine Brown’s thoughts on Hugh Grant, the wit of Ron Jeremy and Hof’s motivation speech in which he tells the girls that if they can make more than 10 grand that night, they can take 60 per cent. Wow, what a guy.