VIRGINIA CITY, Nev. – Moonlight Bunny Ranch owner Dennis Hof is crying foul over what he calls an inconsistent brothel advertising policy in Storey County.
Hof said he wants to know why he wasn’t allowed to advertise his brothel at Virginia City’s annual Mountain Oyster Fry in March, while the Kit Kat brothel’s name was everywhere at the town’s Grand Prix motorcycle races late last month.
Both Hof’s bordello and the Kit Kat are located in neighboring Lyon County just east of Carson City.
“It’s pretty hypocritical,” Hof told the Sparks Tribune. “We’re just trying to understand it. I’ve spent a lot of money trying to promote Virginia City and it’s just irritating.”
Hoff is pressing Storey commissioners to rethink their advertising policy for special events.
Brandi Lee, president of the Virginia City Chamber of Commerce, shared Hof’s concerns. Hof has supported the Oyster Fry for four years and the event probably would end without his sponsorship, she said.
“I have no clue why Hof can’t advertise, but the Kit Kat can,” she said. “Hof is always there when we need him, just like (former Mustang Ranch brothel owner) Joe Conforte used to be.”
Storey District Attorney Harold Swafford said the law is clear that brothels cannot advertise anywhere.
“The Kit Kat took the position that the law does not apply to event sponsorships, just to billboards,” Swafford said.
Swafford asked Sheriff Pat Whitten why the Kit Kat wasn’t cited for violating the law. Whitten said he didn’t think the law applied in the case.
Storey Commissioner Greg Hess said the Wild Horse and Old Bridge Ranch brothels also donate thousands of dollars behind the scenes to special events. Both are located in Storey County.
Dave Burgess, owner of Old Bridge Ranch, noted Hof is advertising the Moonlight Bunny Ranch on billboards from Oregon to Vermont.
“I would like to see the law changed to allow limited advertising,” Burgess said. “We, as an industry, like to keep a low profile but some advertising would be useful.”