A hearty welcome to www.risingstarpr.com AdultFYI’s new site sponsor. If you want great PR it’s Rising Star.
from www.impulsegamer.com –
Q: Tell us a little about yourself…How did you get started in the Adult Industry? It must be sexually liberating to give 100% in your performances.
I was a 19-year-old full time sophomore pre-med student at Purdue University and a full time telemarketer. I was bored with my life and loved porn so I did an Internet search and typed in the words “porn applications”. Sure enough a website came up and I posted my pictures and said I wanted to make porn. A few hundred phone calls later I picked a company I thought was safe and went on my first plane ride ever to the great state of California. I didn’t plan on making a career out of it. I wanted to stay in school, but as the demand for me grew in the industry and as I made more money at doing something I loved, I stayed. So yes, I feel very liberated.
Q: What do you enjoy about modeling? Are there any downsides?
Everyone thinks being a model/actress/porn-star is easy. It’s not. It is a 24/7 job. For example, this would be what people would call a day off for me here in Indiana but I’ve been chatting with my members on BreeOlson.com today also handling my social media sites like @breeolson on twitter. As I type this interview on my “day off” I am looking at the massive pile of fan mail I get delivered to my PO Box (Which is Bree Olson P.O. Box 10471 Fort Wayne, Indiana 46852) in which I reply to every single one so that will be a few hours out of my day as well. I receive calls and emails all day of offers etc so it’s crucial to always be close to my iPhone or Mac Book Pro. I am on a diet consisting of nothing but raw vegetables, fruit and water for now in order to lose more weight for upcoming events. The job is never done. I have nails, hair, tanning and constant work-outs. I love my fans so much I want to give them my very best. I am so blessed to be where I am today.
Q: How many films are under your belt at the moment?
Over 100
Q: What’s your favorite position?
Q: Favourite Fantasy?
Having several men ejaculate inside me one after another while I am fertile (hey, you asked.)
Q: What’s your favourite part of the male anatomy and why?
The penis because… well! Isn’t that self explanatory?! 😉
Q: The female anatomy?
I love the full package. Head to toe. I love looking at beautiful women. Like Playboy is a perfect example. I can just look at them for hours. I am so blessed to have been on the cover with an 8 page pictorial in the August issue of 2011.
Q: Describe your perfect adult film.
I can’t. It’s illegal, in the US anyways…
Q: Your funniest moment in making an adult film?
I don’t recall anything…
Q: Your worst moment?
It was as good as it gets! I am very blessed.
Q: Can you tell us about any upcoming movies or scenes about to be released?
Anything I do for now is only available on BreeOlson.com 🙂
Q: Favourite taste?
My homemade vegan pizza.
Q: Worst taste?
Meat. I hate the taste of a rotting corpse.
Q: What are three technological things you cannot live without?
For my job I named some of those things earlier but I would be perfectly happy to go back in time to the simple days before any of this “new fangled” stuff was invented.
Q: What is your favourite video game?
Q: If you could go back in time and visit yourself at age 10, what would you say?
Stay in college and don’t have sex, no matter what temptations of money or sex you have. It will pay off because you will find a man in college that will become your husband and you will have lots of babies. You’ll have the simple Indiana life that you’ll hate as a teenager, but long for as an adult.
Q: On the other hand, if you could go into the future and visit yourself 80, what would you ask?
Q: Did I make a difference in the world? The answer is yes. I am a vegan and living a vegan life style makes a world of a difference in more ways than non vegans can even imagine. A great starter book for becoming Vegan is “Skinny Bastard” for men or the Women’s version “Skinny Bitch”.
Q: Married or Single?
Q: What do you look for in a guy?
In a man I look for the following things:
Outgoing, Intelligent, Funny, Charismatic Conversationalist, Talented, Sports oriented, Good family up bringing, Good relationship with family, Healthy, Athletic, Honest, Caring, Hard working, Ambitious, Interests and friends, High energy, Spontaneous, Loving, Affectionate, Strong sexual appetite, Open minded, Strong moral character/integrity, Dominant, Generous, Faithful, Non-smoker, Drug free (yes weed too), Non-drinker or very VERY minimal drinker, Kind, Considerate, Hygienic, Positive/ optimistic, Thoughtful, Compassionate, Sincere/ genuine, Responsible, Reliable, Dedicated, Determined, Logical, Realistic, Fun, Trust-worthy, Calm/ laid back, and High self-esteem just to name a few 😉 haha
Q: What is your favorite movie? (mainstream)
The Godfather
Q: Favourite Music?
Q: Favourite Food?
Anything that is VEGAN!!! I love the restaurant Loving Café here in Fort Wayne Indiana.
Q: Favourite Colour?
Green… I must be a genius 😉
Q: Favourite TV Show?
TRUE BLOOD!!!!! I love it!
Q: Favourite Animal?
Cat… I love all creatures of this earth though… I am fighting until every cage is empty, not comfortable.
Q: Your motto for life?
Live every moment to it’s fullest and love with all your heart.
Q: If you have a million dollars or two, what would you do?
You mean if I had an extra million or two to spare? Well, I already donate to the ASPCA but if I could I would definitely donate all of that money to them and other non-profit organizations to save and protect animals.
Q: Do you have a fan site like twitter, myspace or facebook?
@breeolson Twitter
Q: What does the future hold for you?
I don’t know… that’s the beauty of it all. All I know is that the second most special day in my life will be walking down the isle to the man I love and the first most special will be holding my first born in my arms for the first time. 🙂
Q: Tell us something cool in another language (please translate as well)
“Ya lublu tebya” I love you… in Russian. My late grandmother used to say that to me all the time. She was Ukrainian but due to her experiencing WWII and going through concentration camps, she picked up several languages. I miss and love her dearly.
Q: Whisper a secret to us…
Go vegan and I’ll have sex with you! Haha
Q: Ten words or less for your fans?
If it wasn’t for you all I wouldn’t be where I am today, and for that I am forever grateful. I love each and everyone of you so much. (Sorry, not 10 words)
Q: Lastly, any scoops for our readers?
I’m working on my mainstream career. I’m going to casting calls, meeting with agents, and going to acting classes. I hope to land a main character in a movie or in a series like True Blood. That would be spectacular!