Porn Valley- In my conversation the other day with Kevin Blatt, KB,, we touched on a couple of other subjects including the supposed Britney Spears porn vid.
Blatt, who brokers celebrity sex tapes, thinks the possibilities of there being a Spears one are remote.
“It’s bullshit,” thinks Blatt who says he did some research.
“I was looking over Hawaiian law because this supposedly happened in Maui. Hawaii is a two-party consent state which means that any audio tape you make over the phone or any interview you do over the radio, if it’s recorded without the consent of the party, then it’s considered a Class C felony. In addition to all the fines and punishment that goes along with that, you have to surrender any profits that you would make off that audio tape to the state.”
Blatt said he then began calling attorneys.
“Hypothethically, I said, look, let’s say this tape does exist, if I took the audio off of it, would it still be legal?”
Even with that Blatt doesn’t think the tape exists.
“The story doesn’t make any sense,” he states.
“The guy said he taped her unknowingly. The camera was running. They were in her room. What does he do, bring a camera and leaves it on the table? It doesn’t make any sense. Then he says he doesn’t want to release it because his performance was less than stellar. I’m figuring to myself who gives a fuck? Your dick is in Britney Spears. Do you know how much my market value would go up if my dick was in Britney Spears? Granted a lot of people would think I’m disgusting.”
“Do you know how many chicks would want to get with me knowing that my penis has been in Britney?” he coninues. “It can only raise your Q-rating. All I know is I ended up with Mary Carey, and I didn’t get a date fo three weeks after that. I went through a little lull there after awhile.”
Blatt thinks the tape story was a smokescreen by the Spears p.r. staff to sway the public away from all the negative press with the kid, the drugs and the rehab.
“But I thought it was really stupid.”
Blatt brings up another story that was happening last week.
“She’s driving all over L.A. and has 30 paparazzi cars following her all day long,” says Blatt. “I know half of her paparazzi and they follow her everywhere she goes and every move she makes. She stopped at three different San Fernando Valley gas stations the other day. She ran into the bathroom to pee.
“My news sources told me, listen, if you’re Britney Spears you don’t need to pull over on Ventura and Coldwater at the Shell station to go in there and pee. You can go into any high end store and they’ll shut the store down. You can go to any hotel room and rent a room- for $100- just to go pee. What the hell is she doing in all these public restrooms? I’m convinced that she’s whacked out of her mind off coke. I think she’s going and doing bumps in the bathroom all over the place.
“Think about it. There’s always privacy in a Shell gas station [meaning no security cameras]. She’s either picking up drugs from a drug dealer somewhere or she’s going in there and doing drugs because she’s under a magnifying glass all day long. I found that to be pretty interesting.”
“Then I got this other deal with Pam [Anderson] and Rick [Salomon,” Blatt goes on to say. “I called him the other day and I’m saying what the fuck is going on here? This is a publicity stunt. He goes, I thought you were a smart Jew. I said I am a smart Jew. He’s, no you’re not. I go, I know you well enough to know there’s something going on. We’ve been friends for a long time. And all of a sudden you fuck her one night in Vegas and now you’re getting married? It makes no sense to me. He starts giggling. I go, there’ something up and I hear her in the background going, ‘what does he mean this is a publicity stunt?’
“Then he says I’ll call you back and he hangs up the phone. And I can hear Pam’s voice. He calls me ten minutes later and goes, man, you’re so stupid. I go what are you talking about? He says you think I need the money or she needs the money that bad that we’d do a publicity stunt? I go, yeah, I do. Plus I told him I don’t see how this could benefit her career at all being with you. And he just laughed. He’s the most self-deprecating person in the world. But he’s in love. He’s being pussy whipped. Vsry weird. But I told him I wouldn’t leak any personal stuff outside of that because I wanted to be invited to the wedding [which was over this weekend].
Accoding to Blatt there was also another celebrity tape that has been shopped to him.
“As long as both are willing to sign off, I think Game Link’s going to make an offer for it,” says Blatt. “And it’s a good one. Not a household name but very much like Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton. This is the kind of story that when you release it, people go, oh, know her from this. ‘I would love to see her sucking and fucking.’ And this girl’s hot. We’ll see about that one.”