from – Filming porn is not all fun and games. loves filming its adult movies out of San Francisco’s famed Armory building in the Mission district.
The porn company purchased the castle-looking building on the corner of 14th and Mission streets in 2006 to film its movies.
Since then it has started offering popular tours through the building and it is even considering opening the 38,000-square-foot drill court in the building to the community to use for events.
It’s the windows that let light into that drill court that is pushing the building’s owner to oppose a new five-story, 50-foot-tall building adjacent to the armory building.
Real estate blog Socketsite reports that the owner is concerned with several factors with the development, including the loss of light into the armory.
The concerns are laid out as followed:
This development raises 3 issues which are of concern to the preservation of the Armory, and to the ongoing restoration efforts. Each of these issues would be partially mitigated by requiring the developers to adhere to [new zoning limits which would limit the project to 45 feet].
1. Loss of light: Light will be lost to south facing, historically and architecturally significant Drill Court windows.
2. Obfuscation of curved roof: The signature curved roof will no longer be continuously visible from the exterior.
3. Incompatible adjacent Use: The proposed development places housing 4 feet from the Drill Court, where Armory Studios has permitted work in progress to restore a place of legal assembly, with maximum occupancy 4080 persons.
The San Francisco’s Historic Preservation Committee will vote on the proposal Wednesday and the planning commission could hear the debate as early as next month.