Porn Valley- Lisa Ann of LA Direct Models was on Taylor Wane and Dick Nasty’s KSEX show Monday night.”She’s been around for a number of years and I’ve always wanted to work with her because she’s really, really hot,” said Wane in making the intros. Off the bat, Lisa Ann contributed her Dick Nasty story and described how she bought a one-way ticket to California from Pennsylvania and landed Independence day.
“My very first day in California,” she continued, “I went to my first porn party with Peter Davy. I wrote letters to his company. I, at random, let him pick me up the airport and stayed at his house for the month. He did take me to a porn party. The first person that walked up to little Lisa straight off from the flight from Pennsylvania- hello, my name is Dick Nasty. He was very serious about it- I AM Dick Nasty. Okay, nice to meet you. I remember writing in my journal that night, the first person I met at a porn party was named Dick Nasty.”
Lisa Ann said she didn’t think too much about the oddity of the name other than the fact that this was the handle Nasty chose for himself.
Nasty said he didn’t pick his name, that Bill Margold gave it to him.
“I wanted to call myself Dick Dastardly,” he said. “That’s a cartoon character from Wacky Racers.” Nasty said he acquired the nasty nickname when he was younger because he was “a bit aggressive,” meaning he would lose his temper. Asked if that meant a prison stretch, Nasty said he managed to keep out of jail. Wane asked if had mellowed by getting old. To that, Nasty said he won’t put up with a woman not putting out.
“Was this anger just against women?” Wane asked going on a fishing expedition.
“It was only against guys,” Nasty replied and said he acquired the nickname from some friends and Wane wondered how Margold would know and Nasty said Margold heard the story. Nasty then was told by others he couldn’t have a name like that and he told them it would just be for one movie.
Lisa Ann said she came out here with the intention of using the name Rosie Colucci.
“I thought it was a hot name but no one bought it,” she said.
Nasty said once people heard his name they didn’t forget it.
“You were embedded in my mind,” replied Lisa Ann who said she was attracted to Nasty at the meeting.
“Now I find out,” moaned Nasty. It was noted that Lisa Ann gets up 5 every day and goes to the gym early.
“I need to get up at 5 to deal with Derek at 8:30,” she said. “I have to get my own mind going. I have to get myself synched up.” Wane said this was sending out a bad message of responsibility whereas most fans probably had the notion that porn stars got up at 5 and start in with the drugs. Nasty said that’s more like the 18 year-olds and Lisa Ann said that’s why there’s drivers. Someone in the chatroom said Rosie Colucci sounds like a burlesque dancer. Just so happens, said Wane, that Lisa Ann was a dancer before she got into porn.
Lisa Ann used fake ID’s and started dancing when she was 16 years-old.
“Use that fake ID to get your tits out,” Wane advised her audience. Lisa Ann remembered celebrating her 18th birthday at a club and had been there two years.
“They’re kind of looking at me, like, no, but I said we made it.” Lisa Ann explained that she was working for a chain of clubs back in Philly.
“I was pretty cool for a young girl,” she explained. “I would go to Kinkos and I would put out my schedule to all the customers.” Besides the usual tips, she remembered getting paid $25 to $30 an hour just to show up as a stripper because no one wanted to do it.
“This was in 1988,” she reminded everyone.
“You have to pay the club now,” Wane noted.
“It all went down,” said Lisa Ann. “First it was desperate girls starting to come in that would say I’ll work other shifts without getting paid just for tips. Then the managers realized they could have some just-for-tips spots. The desperation got even larger and the girls said I’ll give you $50 to let me work tonight. I watched this whole thing transpire.”
Lisa Ann said Al’s Cabaret in Reading would give you a check with taxes already taken out.
“He wanted us to be legitimate,” she said. “He was so cool like that. He still pays his house girls.” Lisa Ann said once that happened, the trend took hold. Lisa Ann was telling a story about meeting Teri Weigel when Nasty’s phone rang on the air. She identified herself as Lisa Ann from LA Direct and the guy who was booking from Nasty Modeling freaked and hung up. The phone rang again and Lisa Ann again answered this time saying she was Nasty’s receptionist.
As she met a ton of porn stars coming into Al’s, Lisa Ann said she was determined to travel like they did.
“I’m really excited I made the chance for myself,” she said. “The first step is that I started asking all the features 10 to 15 questions. I just wanted to do a survey. I surveyed for three years before I moved here. I’m pretty freakish.” Lisa Ann used Tiffany Mynx as an example.
“I met a true anal queen and I saw the crowd being a little different than with a porn princess like Teri Weigel,” Lisa Ann observed. Wane wondered how different.
“It’s a different guy,” Lisa Ann answered. “It’s a different demographic financially you draw from your show.” Lisa Ann said the anal guys are cheapskates and saw a lot of quarters being thrown on stage. “It’s a different type of guy.” Wane talked about the donkey-punched double-anal girls and said she wouldn’t want to be at a convention attracting women-hating, women-abusing “motherfuckers” like that.
“I want them to be in my fan club?” asked Wane. “No. And people go to me how do you compete in this day’s market? I don’t want to compete. I want the women-loving beautiful men in America that just love beautiful women and still get aroused by a beautiful woman that just likes to fuck. I like to suck cock. I like to fuck you. If you want to come meet me, I want to meet you. That’s it. I don’t want the ex-cons, criminals or guys that should be in prison or beat women up. I don’t need them to come meet me.”
Lisa Ann said she could see how it was different week to week depending on who was featuring in the club. According to Lisa Ann, women like Lynn Lemay, Weigel, Julia Ann and Savannah had a draw of respectful fans who wouldn’t come in to see the nasty girls because they weren’t buying that product. Wane said Lisa Ann had a terrific stage-side seat to see all of this happen.
“We come in one week and we’re in and we’re out,” said Wane. “You see the whole show and who comes in.” Because features would come in every week of the year, Lisa Ann said she got to take some serious surveys and learn how not to do things. By watching Lisa Ann said she could see the level of respect generated between the fans and the classy porn girls.
“They [the fans] adored them in a sense,” she added. “There wasn’t this dirtiness about it.” Wane said that type of fan will return time and again bringing roses and teddy bears. Wane featured for 12 years and remembers for instance the same guys coming back year after year to see you. Among the questions she’d ask, Lisa Ann found that there are some girls who couldn’t do shows unless they drank or did drugs.
“I would look at their skin and say this is why she looks ten years older than she actually is,” she said. “But there were some really healthy girls in the business that worked out, ate well and lived this great life. It doesn’t have to be downtrodden alcohols like everybody expects. I learned a lot about how I was going to get on a boxcover; how I was going to work with the right photographers- if it was okay to say no to things. It is okay. Know who you are when you come out here.”
Wane observed that it’s a whole different business now. Wane mentioned a movie she just shot and the fact that she used Lisa Lipps in it.
“There’s a feature that attracted the kind of guys we’re talking about,” said Wane. “She came back- she’s with Direct Models. She doesn’t do double-anal and that bullshit. She knows what she wants. She’s a strong woman and she has a tremendous following. The girls think they have to do all this stupid stuff, yet they don’t.”
Lisa Ann was curious about double-anal and wondered if any of those girls do it at home [assuming there’s two cock around in the household for it]. Nasty also wondered how many d.p.s are performed in the real world. Wane could imagine a woman slugging down six Margaritas to get mentally ready then insisting that the bartender come home to join her and her boyfriend.
When she was 18, Lisa Ann took a hiatus from Philly and went on the road. She traveled with total strangers for a year and they took her to Mardi Gras.
“There’s a woman that gets on the bar and picks up a roll of quarters and [pussy] spits them out into shot glasses,” she described. “I was traumatized for a six months wondering when she got so good at that. Where did she practice? Then my germophobia kicks in. Money is so dirty. I wonder if she should be sticking it in there. I’m analyzing this. When do women realize that they can do these kinds of tricks? When do you realize you can do double anal?”
After the break, Wane noted that Nasty was celebrating his 50th birthday next Wednesday. Lisa Ann said you need to find 50 of his closest ex-girlfriends. Nasty said you’d be lucky to find five. Wane showed a picture of Nasty taking a black strap-on up his ass and wondered if it felt differently. On the same subject, Wane had a guest on last week named Bijan Sudan. Wane thought it odd that Sudan, who’s black, wouldn’t take a white strap-on in her ass. Lisa Ann then told a story about getting a call from set about a girl who didn’t do interracial and wouldn’t do a strap-on that was black.
“I swear to you,” said Lisa Ann talking about a girl on the set who was Asian. “There’s a white guy here and she said she doesn’t do interracial.” Wane said she didn’t mean to be rude about Asians but asked if they’re that fuckin’ picky?
“They’d be lucky if they got out of fuckin’ China,” said Wane. “Jesus Christ. I like do black man- he make me prostitute. Make me do like I’m at home. My daddy do the same thing to meeeeeeeeeeeee! I get whole bag of rice from Costco for ten dollah- I can live for year.”
Lisa Ann said she hears all kinds of stories from girls in an attempt to get out of work. Wankus then popped in. He asked Lisa Ann about the story on Adultfyi in which her boyfriend- Belladonna’s brother Jason Sinclair – was on KSEX Friday night. Jason Sechrest, offered Sinclair $100 to let Sechrest suck his cock. Sinclair laughed about doing it for $20. During the course of that interview, Sechrest observed that Sinclair had a perfect ass and that if Lisa Ann isn’t licking it, something’s wrong.
“Basically I’m dating 1983,” said Lisa Ann who assigns birth years to all her boyfriends.
“I don’t refer to anybody by name,” she laughed. “That’s what I call my boys- by the year they were born so there’s no conflict.” Lisa Ann said Sinclair works with Axel Braun.
“He does a lot of different things but he doesn’t fuck Jason Sechrest,” she made it clear.
“Is he a pimp?” asked Wane. Lisa Ann said more like an entrepreneur. Wane said Lisa Ann would have to be more to the point because that could mean Sinclair deals drugs. Lisa Ann explained that she met Sinclair booking jobs on the phone.
“Whenever I’m booking jobs as an agent I like to talk really dirty to the guys I’m booking jobs with,” she said. “That’s why I love the job,”
“Do you get paid extra from Derek for that?” Wane asked. Lisa Ann said no but she’ll only have people who will book with her and that Hay knows that.
“L.A. Direct Models actually stands for Lisa Ann Direct Models,” she laughed. “And I tell Derek this all the time.” Lisa Ann says she busts Derek’s balls about being five minutes closer to a heart attack and that the agency will be hers. Getting back to Sinclair, she said they met dirty talking on the phone and she kept begging him to come in for an interview.
“I have this thing for new boys,” she said. “I interview them. I have them come over the house for a non-sex night. It’s just an interview. This thing goes on and then I give it a 24-hour rule. Then I decide. It wasn’t until I moved to LA which was in December that I called him- I said, okay, I’m not living in Orange County any more. You need to come over for the interview. He came over for the interview. The interview went very well and I found out a couple of things that he liked. I found out that he was into basketball and that he’s into Michael Jordan. The next night he comes over and I brought out my sports memorabilia collection- a Michael Jordan autographed jersey? That’s pretty strong. I collect Jordan’s sneakers from all the years- and they’re still in the box, never worn. Trading cards, Sports Illustrateds- I leave them out on the floor and thought this boy’s going to do whatever I want him to do forever because I brought out this collection. And it worked for me. It’s fun having a young boy.”