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from – I’ve had a good five year run here, running this amazing site. I care deeply about the adult industry. I have tried to let all opinions be heard. I can’t believe the time has flown by so fast.
But I have been ill for six months now. And when my illness started I thought i would over come it, get all better and continue with my life.
But unfortunatly, that is not the case. it is going to be a chronic illness. I will have to live with it for the rest of my life. And stress makes it worse. There is a lot of stress running LIB. I have to deal with a constant barage of hate, and negativty. So after a lot of thought, I am not going to do this much longer.
The price is $50,000, and to the right person I will finance some of it with a big down payment. I will also continue to write for LIB if I am wanted. But the overall handling and business end of this is not going to be my responsibility.
This site has fabulous traffic, and a very loyal readership, which I am so thankful for. The commenters are wonderful, whether negative or positive their suppost of this site is unlike anything else in the business.
Anyone who takes over this site will have a high standard to work for.
I have a wonderful job working for Xcitement Magazine. It is a positive in my life. I enjoy interviewing porn stars and writing articles and producing beautiful stories and layouts.
And yes, I have health insurance. Its a laugh. And that is a whole nother story…..