Porn Valley- On a night when the team of Dee, Dick and Skibba was Skibba-less, the show’s roster was also Genesis Skye-less. That’s because Skye, who drank through her birthday and blew off at least one shoot a couple of weeks ago, also blew off KSEX. But that’s okay, Mr. Marcus was on hand and delivered some interesting news.
Asked how things were going, Marcus,, said something about it being hard slowing down and having to stop fucking for a living. Explaining the strange remark, Marcus noted that he got married. The question, then, was obvious. Who did he marry. “I married this girl I found on the 405. Her car broke down,” he explained. Among other things, Marcus claims he asked the woman if she were a virgin. Then he helped her with a car. He then told the girl he was going to get a burger and wondered if she would follow him.
“I figure any girl who follows me to get a burger, I’ve got to marry.” Marcus said his daughter’s comment was to the effect that “daddy doesn’t need a website any more- I think daddy should get rid of it. Are you crazy? I need my website,” said Marcus. “I love my website.”
Dick said he heard something to the fact that Marcus was retiring. Marcus didn’t really answer that question as the conversation got on to the Family Business show on Showtime. Marcus thinks people were surprised by the success of it. From his personal experience with Playboy TV, Marcus said you get a good glimpse into how programming works. “A lot of the [Playboy] shows seem to be afraid to push the buttons of the explicit and the hardcore stuff that would set them up front,” he said. “You’d think that the magazine did that, why not do that with their television?”
Marcus said Playboy’s reality shows really aren’t. “They’re scripted. There’s a lot of things in this business they can educate a lot of people about under the guise of reality TV, under the guise of a show, a sitcom based around something sexual- I think the risk taking should begin with us.”
It was Dick’s opinion that a reality show should be based on KSEX. “A show like WKRP in Cincinnati. There’s the biggest bunch of characters running around in this joint. Wankus, if he isn’t a TV star, I don’t know who is. What goes on behind the scenes here is ten times more entertaining than what goes on the air here. It’s crazy here. It’s like a big wacky clubhouse.” Dee added that people would be surprised what goes on behind the scenes in porn. “They all have this misconception that on set people are having sex all the time. It’s not. But there’s a lot of crazy stuff.”
Back on the retirement subject, Dee wanted to clarify that Marcus wasn’t. “I’m just pulling back a little bit,” he said. “I’m 34 years old and I’ve been in the business eleven years. I love this business. How do you retire from something like this. It truly makes me happy. As I’ve met motherfuckers I’ve become intrigued by them. Then to find out the history makes them that more interesting. You become this historian and gather the facts.” All that being said, Marcus wondered how you could leave something that you’d form such an attachment to. “There is no retirement for me.” Dee could see Marcus behind the scenes and educating others. “You’ve come to the age where you realize how this business is and how people are. You’ve grown up in this business. You grow up and realize there’s a lot of things about this business or any business that you can take advantage of. There’s some really good people here. This is family and to walk away from certain people, it hurts. It’s a family-thing.”
The benefits for guys, said Marcus, is that they can be around forever, that a 60 year-old “dude” if he can get it up, shaves and showers will find work. For his part, Marcus said he wanted to pull back a little. “You change up your lifestyle and who you are and what you’re trying to do. That’s what I’m going through. But how do you stop from trying to fuck every day? I can’t help but think about girls and who’s shooting what. I can’t help but think about that.”
It was assumed that Marcus’ wife is not in the business. Dick was curious at what point Marcus told her what he does for a living after they have the hamburger. Marcus said one of the clues was her hearing his voicemail about being on the set and not forgetting his AIDs test. “That was on my voicemail.” Marcus was asked what he needed an AIDs test for. “I’m, like, ugh. Up to that time I had told her I was modeling.” Dick wondered if he could get away with a similar story and Marcus told him he looked like a young Larry Flynt. “I am from Kentucky- we have that in common,” Dick agreed.
Wankus, who took the night off, then called in to say that Katie Morgan seriously injured her back on set during the day and couldn’t move. Marcus suspected it might have been from a pile driver. “She’s in bad shape,” Wankus reported, mentioning that fans can contact Morgan at [email protected].
Marcus and Dee then got into a discussion about the differences in state of mind from just starting out in the business as compared to being in it for a length of time. According to Dee, after a point you realize that time’s creeping up on your ass and that you better have some backup plans. Marcus said he’s just coming to a realization that women like to fuck as well off camera. “I’m really tripping, like, okay, so now if I pull my dick out and just start fucking you’re not really going to get mad about it. You know what I mean?” Dick said it might be advisable to give a woman a heads up. Dick wanted to know if people are calling Marcus’ wife Mrs. Marcus.
“She gives me shit about the business,” said Marcus. “It used to bother me but then I realize that’s just what she has to do to keep putting up with this shit.” Marcus said she used to call him all the time but has since chilled out. “When we’re out together, she’s gotten better with that shit. because now a lot more people come up to me and say shit. They were saying shit but now they really say shit. She’s right there and sometimes I’m cringing.”
It was also Dee’s opinion that Marcus start an organization for men and women who are sex addicts. “You of all people would understand how sex addicts are.” Marcus said he’d be at the gym and guys he’d be working out with were all cops wanting to talk shop with him curious about what it was like on his side of the fence. Dick suggested Marcus could as well ask a question about what it’s like beating up all those people. Marcus imagined he could ask them if they were the guys who took him to jail when he was younger.