Porn Valley- I spoke to Nick Manning this morning. Manning was still in bed when I called and told me he had been unaware of the fact that his now-ex Tabitha Stevens was on Howard Stern pouring her guts out on national radio. Manning is telling me that this is the first that he’d been aware that Stevens wanted out of their intended marriage. “What did she say?” Manning asked me. I ran the whole Stevens scenario past him, about Stevens’ voice mail and that Stern had her on air to explain the nature of it, Stevens telling Stern she felt pressured into the marriage with Manning proposing live on the air.
“I didn’t hear any of this yet,” Manning said. I relate to Manning Stevens’ comment about her asking Manning what if she told him no, that he would have responded she wasn’t worth it any way.
“Yeah,” said Manning agreeing on that one. “That’s kind of how I feel.” Other than that Manning declined to comment. “I don’t know what to tell you. I have nothing to say. All I can do is try. Whatever. What can you say about porn chicks.” Manning just seemed perplexed about the turn of events claiming that this was all news to him. “I didn’t hear anything about it until just now.” [When I called him.] “I have no clue what’s going on.”
Manning was curious what Stern had to say but couldn’t understand why Stevens would even be on the show in the first place to make this whole thing public.