Porn Valley- Outback Productions has added a new member to its family. That’s because Nicole London has given birth to a healthy baby boy whose name is Hunter Christopher. He weighs in at 5 pounds, 8 ounces. But the downside- if there is such a thing- meant that London had to postpone a scheduled Outback shoot in order to give birth.
London had been in the hospital over three weeks because Hunter was born prematurely six days ago. London explained that she was first taken to the hospital when her water broke. “They had to stop delivering because I was only at 32 weeks at that point,” says London. “I was on the medication for awhile. Then they decided if I made it to the 34 week mark, they were going to deliver me. Then I had complications and they induced me. I had a really rough labor. It was tough. But he’s here, and he’s healthy and that’s all that matters.” But this isn’t the first time that London has gone through these rigors noting that her first daughter was born premature. “She was born at 32 weeks. It made it a little easier for me this time knowing what was going on.”
London is now faced with the prospect of getting back in action though somewhat physically challenged to the task. “I’m exhausted and sore right now,” she admits, acknowledging that she’s experienced some medical problems from delivery. “They have to figure out how they’re going to handle it.” London had been scheduled to shoot this week but now figures it’ll take another two weeks to reorganize the project. “We’ve got the scripts but I have to make sure the crew’s available for all the days. The normal grind. I least I don’t have to worry about going into labor on the set.”
That being said, her condition, however, didn’t pre-empt London from having to do business from a hospital bed. “I had to make sure boxes were still being printed.” Although London had a room to herself, there was a point that the hospital had such an overflow of women who went into labor that she had to wind up sharing. “You should see me trying to hide my conversations while I’m talking to people on the phone about box art this and that.”