If you missed the following story earlier in the week https://www.adultfyi.com/read.aspx?ID=5363, the Associated Press just “broke” it today.
WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. A state Assemblyman is considering a law that could require condom-use in all porn films.
Paul Koretz, a Democrat from West Hollywood, has sent a letter to the adult entertainment industry asking it to adopt safe-sex measures on their own. If they don’t, Koretz says the Legislature might — quote — “mandate more stringent actions.”
Koretz is chairman of the Labor and Employment Committee. He says adult film stars should receive workplace health-and-safety protections, just like other Californians.
Many adult film companies believe using condoms would hurt their profits because they say their customers prefer scenes without them.
The porn industry was shut down for a few weeks recently after two actors tested positive for H-I-V.