Maybe it’s time you had your cards read
from – Kim Holland was delighted to receive her celebrity invite to Activision’s Modern Warfare 3 launch party in Amsterdam later this month. Unfortunately, she won’t be attending.
That’s because, upon discovering she’s a pornstar, Activision speedily withdrew its invite.
See the logic, there? Graphic violence, mass killing and terrorism for entertainment? Yes. Sex for entertainment? NO!
Hilariously, the email sent to Holland informing her of her de-invitation – which she swiftly posted on her blog in a displeased rant – acknowledged the hypocrisy.
The email was sent by reps of the Dutch TV program Gamekings, who’s hosting the event (translated from Dutch via Google):
“Unpleasant announcement. The American publisher of Modern Warfare 3 has indicated that they prefer no representatives of the adult entertainment industry at the party. And so there must be some women in Britain and the Netherlands who are also canceled. I know, a little hypocritical, but the U.S. is the U.S. and I’m just the messenger.”
Holland, who is apparently a keen gamer, isn’t best pleased. “Murder is neat, [but] love makers? It’s dirty,” she said.
“I say this: a sperm shower rather than a massacre.”
Well said, Kim. Well said. You should be a politician.