Wide World of Jacko- In closing arguments at the end of a bitter four-month trial that could send Michael Jackson to prison, Deputy District Attorney Ron Zonen played the “Vaseline” card!
During his closing presentation, Zonen showed pictures of Jackson’s bedroom and bathroom taken during a raid on Neverland in ’03.
Zonen pointed out the location of sex magazines and, at one point, mentioned that you could see a container of Vaseline!
Lead prosecutor Tom Sneddon, who, oddly, did not deliver closing arguments, had hoped to present a shocking story of Vaseline and alleged sex abuse during the evidence phase of the trial.
In a bombshell motion filed in closed court, and rejected by the judge, Sneddon claimed to have obtained testimony from a former another Neverland security guard.
“Jackson called Abdool and asked him to go to Jackson’s car and get a jar of Vaseline from the center console of the vehicle and bring it to his bedroom…
“Chacon and Abdool opened the unlocked door of the black SUV, retrieved the Vaseline and headed for Jackson’s bedroom. When Jackson opened the door to his bedroom, Jackson was wearing only his pajama bottoms, appeared sweaty, aroused and Abdool observed Jackson to have an erection under his pajama bottoms. There was a young boy, who he believed was Jordie, in the bedroom with Mr. Jackson.”
“Chandler was observed arriving with Jackson in Jackson’s SUV. Chandler is in Jackson’s bedroom when Abdool was requested to obtain the Vaseline and bring it to Jackson.”