RESEDA, CA – Last week director David Lord held an open casting call for his upcoming ‘Home Improvement’ parody, being shot for Adam & Eve next. According to the acclaimed director the response was impressive.
“We had over 35 performers show up and read for various roles,” Lord explains. “It was a great turn out.”
Some of the roles were cast but many were still left open. Some talent that wanted to be part of the show were busy working or had other obligations.
Due to popular demand David Lord has decided to hold a second casting call on Monday June 7th in the same place at the same time – 18215 Lassen Street, Northridge, CA from 11 am – 3 pm. All talent are welcome to come and try out.
“I get asked all the time by talent if they can be a part of one of my productions,” Lord says. “This is your chance to come and show me what you can do. I am looking forward to seeing it.”
Talent interested in auditioning for roles in any of the above titles should contact David Lord at [email protected] or