Missouri – from www.connecttristates.com – Constituents in the first district are reporting receiving automated political messages that appear to originate from the “Adair County Ambulance District”.
The automated messages claim Keri Cottrell, a 4th Grade School teacher and mother of two, is taking campaign money from someone in the porn industry.
“The fact that I would be involved in the porn industry is plain laughable. That’s a huge leap,” said Cottrell who’s a lay leader at her church, mother of two, and past president of Northeast Region of the Missouri State Teachers Association. “But what bothers me is the GOP is making it appear these calls originate from the Adair County Ambulance District. Unfortunately, the fine folks at the Adair County Ambulance District are having to use its resources to field questions regarding these calls.”
Cottrell’s constituents started alerting her today about the automated messages and sent her photos of their caller id screens with the words “Adair County Ambulance District”.
1st district opponent, Craig Redmon, called Cottrell yesterday to apologize.
Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party said in a statement, “The Missouri Republican Party did not authorize, approve, or pay for this campaign activity; however, we understand that several candidates have accepted campaign contributions from Democratic representative Mike Colona, who has worked on behalf of the adult entertainment industry and companies that distributed pornographic materials.”