Scott Hoover writes: That rumor about the fire [at Jill kelly’s house] is utter bullshit. I was caused by faulty wiring….I do not think anyone from Bizarre would be stupid enough (or agile enough) to climb up into Jill’s attic and set a fire or rewire it to short out.
What was done with Bizarre’s product was a legal business transaction. I could go into detail about the shady and underhanded events that happened to cause us to sever ties with Bizarre, but that will all come out in the end. The truth always does. We shall prevail.
Everyone LOVES to trash JKP- is it because it’s a woman owned company or because of people’s feelings towards Bob? I have no idea but it is completely moronic to think that we are over here shaking in our boots in fear of any wannabe or so called “mafia connected” criminals coming to take us out. Fuck them and fuck those who continue to have nothing better to do with their time than make up silly shit. Hey- why not talk about something good. It seems so many people in this business really hate the industry that is their bread and butter. Self loathing is rampant here. Go do something else! Why not go bake a cake for your neighbor or visit and elderly relative you locked into a nursing home. Can you people really look at yourselves in the mirror each day for more than a quick second?