This is pretty much what the legal tussle between Kevin Rubio of Ducati Productions and Skeeter Kerkove is all about:
Ducati filed suit in June 2007. Seventeen months later, nothing much has changed other than a lot of arguments have been thrown into the mix to confuse the situation.
“Kevin Ducati is very good at bullshitting,” insists Skeeter. “And I believe he bullshitted the attorneys he has. My attoney will say this on record. The first five times my attorney talked to his attorneys- who are not the big shots in New York- they were oblivious. They were under the impression that I was paid $15,000 per movie for directing alone.
“I got paid $2,000 and that’s all this case is about,” says Skeeter. “How could these attorneys be involved in arguments over a $10,000 movie? But the bullshit Kevin told them about how he lost his vast fortune is impossible in these cheap, crappy, all-anal gonzo movies I threw together in one day. You can only make so much off off these crap movies. That’s what they are. They’re done in one day.
“You see what shit sticks on a wall,” Skeeter continues. “It’s a fuckin’ cheap porn movie. But Ducati’s attorney was under the impression I made $15,000 net profit take home pay for a movie. My attorney set them straight that I made $2,000 per movie and never got paid in full. The cancelled checks will show that.”
“The last thing I heard before I really got riled up is that they wanted to settle and make this ridiculous case go away,” Skeeter goes on to say.
“By both sides, I mean the attorneys on both sides. All this case is doing is putting chump change into my attorneys and Kevin’s attorneys pockets. Kevin’s attorneys are more expensive than mine but they do way less work than mine.”
“Is Peter North embarrassed by all these developments? Yes. But not by me. And in an interview with you, Kevin Ducati said, ‘Skeeter never worked for us.’ Who is us? He’s never had a warehouse. He’s never had a commercial building. He’s never had an office. His new custodian of records is his house. You know there’s not a porn king in the world who’d be saying, hey, come to my house. Why? Because he’s hurting for money.”
“He’s really doing good in porn- he’s had one new release in 11 months. He’s really on top of the game. Here, at Ducati we’re so exclusive we only do one release every 11 months. And, yes, there’s only three scenes in it. And two of them are shot on the same brown leather couch and the other scene’s in the opposite end of the room.”
“Ducati Productions is a man who owns some titles and operates it out of his house. Go to his house and ask him to give you a tour of his garage. It’s the Ducati Productions warehouse.”