Porn Valley- Yes, it was a shocker when Rob Spallone came out during the night of the KSEX, great debate in support of Sharon Mitchell. Spallone was also very supportive of more AIM-styled clinics operating in the industry, but, sounding like a politician, Spallone took a shot or two at the pork barrel operation AIM has become. At least, according to him.
“There should be more clinics without a doubt,” Spallone said.
“I’m the first one to start a clinic, by the way,” he continued. “First of all, the more clincs there are, they more they’ll try to do better than one another, so it will be better. I’ve been saying for six or seven years now that there should be one data place outside this industry that has nothing to do with this industry. It would cost about $500 a month and all the companies could chip in fuckin’ ten dollars and pay for this. What we need is a place to keep track of who works with who. Sharon could keep track of who was tested.
“Every clinic can keep track of who was tested,” Spallone continued. “That’s no big deal. But the bottom line is if somebody gets tested positive whether its HIV, Chlamydia, any thing, if there was one data place that the producers or the owners of the company could call up the day after they shoot a movie and say, listen, this is who worked today with so and so, that’s what’s needed.
” ‘Cause if I’m shooting a movie next week and hire ten people, I can’t tell you who’s in that movie yet. Because if three of these guys’ dicks don’t work, I bring in three more guys. If one of these whores don’t show up, I bring in another’ho-ah. So the day after they shoot, someone should call up this one place and say Layla worked with John; she worked with him, so if someone comes up positive with something, in two minutes we will know who worked with whom.
“Right now, who’s keeping track of who worked with who?’ Spallone asked. “Nobody. The talent write it down in their book? How many talent don’t know who they fucked last night? As far as a testing place, you should be able to go wherever you want. If I send you to a dentist and he fuckin’ jabs you in the mouth with a tool and he hurts you, you’re not going to go back to that dentist. You’re going to another dentist. There’s nothing wrong with AIM as far as that goes.
“It’s a non-profit organization,” Spallone points out. “I was in that business for about five years and I’m no rocket scientist. But I can walk in there and turn that place to make $30,000 a month the first week I alk in there. It’s a two-person operation. You need a phlebotomist to draw the blood- not a bunch of fuckin’ different people. When I had the clinic, there was a lady or two that worked there that drew the blood not 50 different people. After they draw your blood they need a fuckin’ secretary to take care of the paperwork. It’s a two-man operation, not 12 men, 15-men.
“When I had the clinic,” said Spallone, “I paid the same thing she [Mitchell] paid and I was charging $85. That clinic- not because Sharon closed it down or I closed it down, the doctors lost their lease and had to move on. Soon as it closed, it was real funny how AIM raised the price to $95. So don’t tell me it ain’t about money. There’s a lot of companies that donate to AIM which is a write-off to them. Big deal. So how is AIM going around saying they’re losing so much money?
“I offered Sharon a free place five years ago,” Spallone states. “That’s why I have a problem with me and Sharon.”