This morning Howard Stern chided the Jill Kelly press release about her divorce that apparently circulated all over the world. Stern read the release and made light of the entire situation. “I’m sure this is a press release that everyone in the world’s got and I’m the only one paying attention to it,” he laughed. Stern said he didn’t know who Kelly was. Kelly, who’s had almost as many former husbands as Barry Bonds has career homers, is mentioned extensively in Susan Faludi’s book, Stiffed.
Faludi writes: [The late] Cal Jammer met his wife, Jill Kelly, about two years after his breakup with Cameo. The porn star turned producer Tyffany Million introduced them. Cal had briefly dated Million a few years earlier…
“In the winter of 1993, Tyffany Million brought her friend Jill Kelly to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. They knew each other from dancing at the Mitchell Brothers’ O’FarrellTheater in San Francisco in San Francisco, and Tyffany had told Jill how she could triple her dancing salary by making a few porn videos. “Tyffany was going to be my guide,” Jill Kelly recalled. “I just wanted to do girl-girl scenes.”…
“The first night, Cal Jammer spotted Jill Kelly at the bar at Bally’s and promptly took the adjacent stool. At twenty-one, Jill had the long lines of a dancer. She gave Cal a second look, too. “He was beautiful,” she said. He invited her to a party in one of the suites. They sat at a corner and Cal snapped open his briefcase to show her his “book.” a photo album of his glossies from video appearances….the following day he escorted her around with an excess of courtliness, pulling out her chair with a flourish, paying for dinner, asking permission to hold her hand. Jill was working at the time at the T&A Club in Upland, California, contemplating her next move.
“The first night back, Cal invited her to his house and talked about how he should be her guide into the business instead of Tyffany, how much he could “help” her….about a week later she became seriously ill with a viral infection. Cal came charging to the rescue, ferrying her to the doctors and paying the doctors’ bills. A month later, on Valentine’s Day, they were married in the Little Brown Church in Canyon Country. The preacher, whom neither of them knew, called Cal “Larry” throughout the ceremony.