Here’s our recap of the Nicki Hunter- Kami Andrews appearance on The Howard Stern Show Monday
Here’s the Stern recap
From Female bodybuilder Nicole Bass and ex-con Joey Buttafuoco came in to play Hollyweird Squares against each other. Howard had chosen them because there is some beef between the two of them and it turns out that before the commercial break preceding the bit was even over Joey and Nicole were going at each other. Howard insisted that the two of them not break out into a physical fight and made Gary sit between them to keep them from hitting each other. But Joey kept making fun of Nicole, saying she’s a man and has a penis while Niocle made fun of Joey’s haircut and goofed on him for just getting out of jail. Gary quickly felt uncomfortable, saying he wanted to have someone from security sit in his place. He said he did not feel like taking a punch for either one of them. Howard wanted to get right into playing the game, and said there was a packed house for Squares.
The squares were High Pitch Erik dressed as Kelly Clarkson, Fred the Elephant Boy, Wendy the Retard, Daniel Carver, Melrose Larry Green, Trick Daddy, Colin Quinn and two girls from the spitting sex videos, Kami and Nicki. Right away Daniel and Trick Daddy started going back and forth with each other, with Daniel calling Trick the “N” word at will and Trick seemingly fighting to keep control of himself. The first round of Squares went so quickly they decided to play another one. Nicole Bass won the first round and then Joey won the second. Daniel and Trick Daddy really started to go after each other more in the second round and Trick told him he should go cut himself with something sharp.