from – Octomom can finally rest easy about making her February mortgage payment — TMZ has learned porn king Steve Hirsch is covering it out of his own pocket … whether she wants it or not.
Hirsch — the president of Vivid Entertainment — says he will hand over a check to the man who holds the note on Octo’s home while he, “continues to study ways to help her avoid foreclosure.”
As we previously reported, Hirsch recently met with note-holder Amer Haddadin to discuss the possibility of buying out the $450k mortgage note on Nadya’s house.
Hirsch explains that covering Octo’s next monthly payment will, “relieve pressure on her and also give us a chance to conduct our due diligence.”
Octo has refused Steve’s help in the past — but now that he’s going over her head, she can’t force Steve to keep it in his pants … his wallet, that is.