WWW- The National Enquirer recently ran a story about Steve Austin’s counter suit against former girlfriend Tess Broussard, and that Austin is asking for $125 million in his counter suit. This is probably just a way for them to make Broussard drop her $10 million suit against Austin. https://www.adultfyi.com/read.aspx?ID=5400
Austin’s lawsuit claims that she never told him about her porn star past, she is really 51, and has abused drugs and alcohol. Also, it claims that she has put a gun in Austin’s mouth, has been harassing Austin’s ex-wife and her children, that she broke into Austin’s house and destroyed his furniture with a knife, stole an expensive painting, a rifle, thousands of dollars, and stole his eight different wrestling championship belts.
Her lawyer, Bryan Altman, denies all of these claims, and says that it’s all fantasy. He claims that she is 39 years old, and that she was never a porn star even though she did appear in a porn movie, she was not the “star”. He also claims, that she never put a gun in Austin’s mouth.
So far, there are six different ages for Tess Broussard, and nobody is quite sure which is the real one. In Austin’s report, she is 51 years old. On the website advertisements that led to her prostitution bust in 2003, it says she is 26 years old. On her personal modeling website, it said she was 36 years old. Tess Broussard and her lawyer say that she’s 39 years old. Finally, police reports say that she is 37 years old.