AUSTIN, Tex. -Emo’s, a downtown club, throbbed with the pounding sound of techno bass and drums on Sunday night. On a small stage a woman in pasties and fishnet stockings swung her body around a pole and then crawled across the floor as the crowd hollered.
Away from the stage, a less titillating scene was playing out. As customers walked into the club, they were asked to show a voter registration card. The unregistered were sat down and signed up. The Austin event, Burlesque the Vote, was the brainchild of Audrey Maker, a local burlesque artist and activist, who brought together 14 strip acts, both amateurs and professionals, for an evening of erotica. By 10 p.m. 300 people packed the club.
Ms. Maker had completed the coursework to become a Texas deputy registrar, and after the event ended, she rushed a box of new registrations to the local tax assessor’s office, ahead of the Monday deadline in Texas to register for the November election.
Over the last six months a range of adult performers – from performance art-oriented burlesque dancers at Emo’s to harder-core strip clubs to online pornographers – have conducted voter-registration drives.
“I took the idea of national voter registration to our board meeting this summer, and they put it into place,” says Angelina Spencer, executive director of ACE National, the trade organization of adult club owners and a former exotic dancer herself who also owns clubs in Ohio. Ms. Spencer estimated that since May, 800 of the roughly 4,000 adult clubs in America have launched voter registration efforts, registering an average of 200 voters per club. Few adult clubs have engaged in voter drives in previous elections.
The registration efforts have taken many forms. Jim Halbach, owner of seven clubs in Wisconsin and Illinois, personally approaches customers as they come through his clubs’ doors and asks them to sign voter registration documents.
Mr. Halbach also has special voter drive nights, at which he waives normal door charges. “These nights, the dancers come down off the stage and tell the customers about why it’s important for them to register to vote,” said Mr. Halbach, who claims to have registered 4,700 people.
At Ms. Spencer’s clubs, the D.J. takes breaks from narrating stripteases twice an hour to announce that voter registration is necessary and to tell customers how they can register. Other clubs have sent their dancers out into local communities on door-to-door registration drives.
The New York area has been a target, though less so than swing states like Ohio. Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club, on West 51st Street in Manhattan, has handed out voter education information to customers and plans a get-out-the-vote night later in October. New York is one of the states in which voter registration will continue through October; like Texas, about half the states in the nation have registration deadlines this week.
Other parts of the $15 billion adult entertainment industry have followed suit. Several adult film actors have made a DVD, for sale on the Internet, entitled “Porn for Kerry.” In the film, which features porn stars, “Jorge Bush” canoodles in a hot tub with the king of an imaginary Middle Eastern oil state. The filmmakers say they will donate the proceeds to Senator John Kerry’s campaign.
Vivid Video, which makes adult films, has created a Web site,, aimed at getting adult entertainment industry workers to register. The page includes information on voter registration and voter drive organizations like America Coming Together, as well as links to, a site plastered with nude women that promises “100 Percent More Hard-Core Than Ever Before.”
Similarly, the Internet Media Protective Association, a trade organization of adult Webmasters, has asked its members to post links to the voter registration organization Rock the Vote on their sites. And sex shops in Austin and other cities have been displaying voter registration information at counters, alongside vibrators and other toys.
Many adult entertainment purveyors explain their political activism as a response to Bush administration policies that they say threaten their industry. Under Attorney General John Ashcroft, the Justice Department has stepped up prosecutions of the sex industry. In Las Vegas, the government has relied on provisions of the Patriot Act to gain access to financial records in an investigation of an adult club owner, Michael Galardi, who has pleaded guilty to racketeering charges.
“The Patriot Act is a big deal to us,” Ms. Spencer said. “We’re all for combating terrorism, but we do have some huge concerns about how the act lets federal agents demand your client lists.” After November, she said, her trade group will shift its focus to educating customers about the Patriot Act.
Not everyone at Emo’s was drawn by the political coloration of the night’s show. “Yeah, I was going to register, but it was two birds with one stone, said Gustaf Johnson, a customer. “I’m for the whole burlesque thing.” The Democratic Party and many major promoters of voter registration drives disavow any ties to the adult entertainment industry’s efforts.
Tony Welch, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, said he had heard nothing about the campaign, though he laughingly suggested that Karl Rove, the president’s political adviser, was behind it.
Christine Iverson, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, worked a dig into her comment. “All Americans have a right to be involved in the political process, including John Kerry’s supporters in the adult entertainment industry,” she said.
Despite many adult performers’ preference for Senator Kerry, the organizers point out that Burlesque the Vote, like the rest of the adult entertainers’ registration efforts, is formally nonpartisan.
“I’d like to say ‘We’re getting naked because we hate the president,’ ” said Susan Wayward, an exotic dancer (also known as River City Kitty) who performed at Burlesque the Vote. “But we have to respect everyone.”
Yet the dancers’ efforts are having trouble winning respect themselves. “We’re raising money and registering voters here,” said Ms. Maker, the organizer of the event. But it is hard to get political groups to accept the support, she said, “because they don’t want boobie money.”