Porn Valley- I talked to Sin City, head David Sturman this afternoon about the Jay Ashley incident. Contrary to what was posted on over the weekend, Sturman says there will be no heads rolling at Sin City and suspects that story to be the e-mail handiwork of Skeeter Kerkove.
Sturman said he heard about the Ashley incident, and as far as he was concerned, wanted to see the whole matter dropped. “I don’t know if it was a mistake or if it was a problem. But it’s probably a whole bunch of stupidity involved,” says Sturman who noted that Ashley is now back in town. “Probably never to return again [to the Czech Republic],” Sturman suspects.
“This was something that was conceived using actual European talent and not mixing it with American talent,” Sturman continues. “Aurora was just supposed to go there to produce and direct this thing. That was the original intention.” Ashley, according to Sturman, was not supposed to have been in the equation but Sturman still thinks that the talent over in the Czech Republic got paranoid and over reacted. “I guess she took over her boyfriend and decided to put him to work.”
As far as the Luke Ford posting goes, Sturman attributes that to Skeeter Kerkove. “It sounds like the ravings of Skeeter Kerkove,” Sturman believes. “I busted him on using Sin City product on his website, He was ripping me off. And he’s got a hard-on for Scott Justice. So that posting was totally false, concocted by Skeeter.”
Sturman said he would even bet his first born on it. “I could just tell. I know his writing style. It’s definitely Skeeter. Skeeter’s only ranting because of his illegal use of Sin City movies on his site.”
Sturman says he caught Skeeter in an alleged act about a week ago. “I was bored and I looked at a link on your site. I clicked on it and I got to an area where I saw my movies to be downloaded. I tracked down his webmaster. I called him in a middle of a shoot. He was whispering, I can’t talk, I’m shooting. This was, like, about a week ago. I made a demand for token payment.”
I also asked Sturman about the Skeeter drama going back to last year. “It’s all in his head,” Sturman surmises. “It was a control-thing. He had a problem with Tina Tyler and it was all perceived my him. That’s why I had to let him go. He was taking a very disparaging position against Sin City. We treated him with a lot of respect and paid him for all the productions. He’s one of these guys who will do a production, send the girl over before she does a sex scene to his photographer for his website, then put her back into production. It’s crazy. He was using the talent amassed from my shoots for his website.”