from – Tabitha Stevens called in so Howard asked why she’s not on YouPorn. She said she doesn’t have that many videos out. She was giggling so Howard asked what she’s on. She said she just woke up. She was on an iPhone and the connection was awful. She said they told her to put a case on it and it still doesn’t work. Howard said that it’s AT&T. He said their service sucks. He said he had the same problem with his Blackberry. Tabitha said that she might switch over to Verizon when they get the iPhone.
Howard asked Tabitha if she’s still doing porn. She said she hasn’t done any scenes since August but she’s producing films. Howard asked how hard it is produce porn when all you have to do is tape someone naked and call it porn. Tabitha said it’s not that easy. Howard asked if that’s how she’s supporting herself. She said that her husband directs and she produces so that is how they’re making money.
Benjy told Howard that Tabitha is on YouPorn. He found two clips of her on there. Howard said he’d look that up tonight since he has one more free night.
Benjy asked who Tabitha sells her films to. She said they work with a company called Zero Tolerance. Howard said that this is too confusing. He said he just wants to know how they make a living. Tabitha said it’s tough. She said that there are some companies out there putting stuff out for free and it’s making it tough for them.
Howard asked about how they get the money to make the movies and got into the details of that. Howard said that Tabitha must be whacked out on Xanax. He asked if she’s hooking at all. Tabitha said she’s not. Howard said she should be with that body.
Tabitha said she met Medicated Pete at a porn convention. Howard said that her phone connection was really bad. Howard said that they had Pete on the show yesterday and he said that Tabitha wanted to make a movie with him. Tabitha said she’s going to call Pete and ask him if he’s up for it. Howard said that he’s find with that. He said if Pete wants to be in porn then that’s fine. Tabitha said they have to cast everything by next week so she has to act on this quickly. Howard said he had no idea that the porn industry was on such a tight schedule.
Tabitha said she wants to come in soon. Howard said that’s fine. He told her to come in after shooting the thing with Pete. She said she would do that.
Howard let Tabitha go and then played a prank call they made to her years ago where they had Wood Yee telling her to stop calling the show. Howard said he didn’t remember that one.