Posted on I got this email this morning from the law firm that represent Nintendo. They are claiming that the member RuneLateralus listing Zelda and Metorid as his favortie video games in his profile is an infringement on Nintendo’s intellectual property. I enjoy an ice cold coca cola on a hot day. Do you think Coca Cola is going to sue me for posting that?
Remember, kids, lawyers are evil and all they want to do is figure a way to bill you more of their time. Nintendo is actually paying these people to threaten me over RuneLateralus favorite video games listing on his profile. What a bunch of morons.
From: Stop IP Infringement <[email protected]>> Date: October 27, 2004 10:12:06 AM PDT> To: “‘[email protected]‘” <[email protected]>> Subject: Infringement of Nintendo Intellectual Property Rights>> October 26, 2004> VIA EMAIL ONLY>> Administrator: [email protected]>> Re: http:/www/>> Infringement of Nintendo Intellectual Property Rights> IDENTIFIED PROBLEM: Pornographic Web site uses Nintendo in link,> text, source code, Zelda and Metroid in text>> Greetings:>> We represent Nintendo of America Inc. (“Nintendo”), the owner of the trademark(s) and/or copyrighted works listed above (the “Nintendo trademark(s)/works”). It has come to our client’s attention recently that you are using the Nintendo trademark(s)/works in the hidden text/visible text/meta tags and/or title and/or links of the above-referenced sexually explicit Web site. This use is unauthorized, and we are writing to demand that you immediately ceaseand desist this infringement of Nintendo’s intellectual property rights.>> Nintendo has acquired substantial rights in the Nintendo trademark(s)/works. Nintendo’s customers–including many children and their parents–have come to identify the Nintendo trademark(s)/works with the high quality of Nintendo products. Your unauthorized use of the Nintendo trademark(s)/works will tarnish Nintendo’s reputation. >> This infringement of Nintendo’s intellectual property rights can subject you to sanctions under applicable federal and state laws. Accordingly, you must immediately cease and desist from any and all use of (1) the Nintendo trademark (s)/works, (2) any other Nintendo trademark(s)/works, and (3) any mark which is confusingly similar to aNintendo trademark. This includes, but is not limited to, your infringement of Nintendo’s intellectual property as explained above.>> I look forward to your immediate confirmation that you have taken the necessary steps to resolve this matter. To that end, you may contact me at either XXX-XXX-XXXX or [email protected].>> Sincerely,>