The Deep Throat Energy Drink now has a top ten brand traffic ranking on .
You can see the Deep Throat Energy Drink’s profile on at is the beverage industry leader for beverage reviews and news. The BevNet group also has a magazine called Beverage Spectrum where they give insight into new products, trends and innovation into the beverage industry. Last year the Deep Throat Energy Drink was nominated for Best Energy Drink and Best Marketing Campaign in 2008 by Bevnet’s the Best of 2008 awards.
“It’s an awesome thing to see the Deep Throat Energy Drink, just beat AMP Energy Drink from Pepsi to get ranked number six overall.
“We now out rank Coca-Cola’s top energy drink brand the Full Throttle Energy Drink and even more amazing that we out rank Rockstar, Monster, NOS, Venom, and Red Bull.
“I’m starting to feel that the Deep Throat Energy Drink is finally getting the attention that is deserves. Maybe the Coca-Cola executives will think about joining Team Deep Throat,” says Robert Interlandi the Deep Throat Energy Drinks Marketing Director.
This last year the Deep Throat Energy Drink was in the hit reality TV show Deeper Throat where it is in almost every episode. The Deeper Throat TV show was on Showtime and had better ratings than Weeds. The drink was nominated for Best Marketing Campaign by three different award shows. East Coast News is the exclusive distributor for the drink inside the adult industry.
If you would like to stock the beverage at your adult store pleases contract your ECN sales rep today.