ROME – A story that’s still making the rounds involves a Swiss couple accused of committing obscene acts because they made love in a bar lavatory in Como, Italy. But an Italian court ruled that the act didn’t breach public decency laws so long as the door remained shut.
State prosecutors originally demanded a six-month prison term for the male defendant and a five-month term for his partner. Instead, an Italian judge threw the case out and fined the man something like $246. However in the Arrow Productions porn classic, The Goddaughter, the Italian Don, played by Fred Lincoln takes a slightly different tact.
When Don Genardi discovers that his Goddaughter [Cameo] has been screwing the scion of the rival Spinelli family {Mark Wallace], he has his strong arm, Giuseppi, [Joey Silvera] whack him. An abrupt termination of the Romeo & Juliet theme, it would appear. Which is kind of a shame because Wallace and Cameo essay, with rugged, limb gripping voracity, what may be the feature’s best sex scene. But Wallace will never know it or accept an award for it with a bunch of slugs buried deep in his ponytail.
Now you’d figure that Cameo – one of the true hotties of early Nineties porn- would be upset because her main squeeze is hugging a a very cold bed sheet. Not necessarily. She reacts more to the fact that The Don elects to send her to America to get out of the way of any Spinelli family reprisals. “She’ll get over it- the Spinellis won’t,” The Don informs Giuseppi.
With five parts to flesh out the voluminous story, the casual pace of Goddaughter has more breathing room for dialogue and character play and less urgency towards the usually quick porn wrap up. Cameo continues her quest towards spoiled brat immortality in the states [not counting a hurried trip back to Italy for a lakeside conference with The Don].
And Alicyn Sterling, playing her cousin, is a luscious and adorable polar opposite with legs that absolutely can’t be beat. But it’s also here that Cameo becomes an instrumental part of a plan to get at Victor Del Vecchio [Randy West] who’s attempting a take over of the Genardi family operations. Cameo relinquishes her body to the cause by obtaining info from West via pillow talk, while Giuseppi grabs an agenda-free fling in the Jacuzzi with the bikini-wearing Stacey Nichols, a friend of Sterlings.
And during Part 1, Sterling’s body guard, and, by extension Cameo’s [Nick Knight] probably spends more time keeping on the good side of his psycho girlfriend Summer Knight who’s body definitely needs more than one guard.
Parts 1 to 5 are available from Arrow Productions @