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VENICE, CA – Is it a coincidence that Joslyn James has appeared in some of the biggest movies in recent months? By the looks of the reviews for This Ain’t Ghostbusters XXX 3-D, the latest blockbuster from Hustler Video, this is about much more than luck.
While AVN’s Mark Kernes gave the movie an outstanding 5-star rating, Joslyn is continuing to branch out well beyond the video world.
As those who were lucky enough to meet her at the Exxxotica Expo in Miami last week will know, her resume also includes a signature toy line, multiple award nominations, a fantastic feature dancing career, a soon-to-be-released song about her and a heart of gold.
Fans can go to the Dildo Dr. to check out her amazing array of sex toys that she’s put together.
While her song, performed by hip-hop artist Monroe and called simply “Joslyn James,” is weeks away from being releases, fans around the world are abuzz, anxiously awaiting both the song and the music video, which will star Joslyn.
The Urban X Awards are coming up this summer and fan voting is underway. With three nominations— Nicest Boobs in Porn; Female Performer of the Year; and Interracial Star of the Year—she’s a favorite to be one of the night’s big winners. Of course, Vivid Video already won big when they released The 11th Hole, the Joslyn vehicle that went on to become one of the most talked-about movies in the company’s illustrious history.
For more:
Joslyn toy line: www.dildodr.com/store/category/89-joslyn-jamess-series.aspx
Vote for Joslyn in the Urban X Awards (Nicest Boobs in Porn; Female Performer of the
Year; Interracial Star of the Year;): www.urbanxawards.com
To buy Vivid’s The 11th Hole visit www.vivid.com/videos/the-11th-hole/.
For even more information on Joslyn James visit www.risingstarpr