…I’ll continue to poke through the adult industry laundry every so often.
Perhaps more so now because shakeout time is finally coming and there will be a period of consolidation among companies. Overall, I also see the next few months as one of retirement announcements, lawsuits being dropped, and lots of people in the industry going on to other livelihoods that don’t involve porn.
Just as we saw the big build up of porn companies during porn’s gold rush era, we’re going to see the scaling down effect. As there become fewer solvent companies to shoot for, performers will be put in the position of putting in more, financially, and taking less from the business.
They will see an increasing need to advertise their presence and availability, thus PR and talent agencies will likely benefit. Stands to reason.
Since we’re on the subject of agencies, let’s check out Brian Gross of BSG PR and see what he’s up to:
Complete story at www.adultcybermart.com/Home.html