Porn Valley- Earlier Saturday morning I wrote: Just as this site was the first to report the beginning of the HIV outbreak earlier this year, late last night I also received disturbing news that a porn actress has Hepatitis C. I want to make clear that this is an unconfirmed report but I got this from a pretty strong source.
Coincidentally I saw the woman in question this week. I remember in an interview how she told me she kicked drugs, however she was practically walking into walls.
Mid Saturday morning I was able to confirm that it is Tianna Lynn although I already had been given that information Friday night. I spoke to Tim Myren of Naughty Modeling who reps Lynn. Myren who runs the company along with his brother Chris were informed this week by AIM of Lynn’s condition. Myren was obviously upset about the situation.
According to Myren, it’s fact at least from what AIM tells him. “AIM contacted her [Lynn] and then I was there when she had a meeting with Sharon Mitchell.” Myren said he doesn’t known how Lynn’s dealing with the situation but knows what he’s doing about it. “My stance on it is I’m not booking her for anything until I know what can be done. And I don’t feel good about booking her for anything.”
When it was suggested that Lynn’s condition is pretty much a career ender, Myren said he was given a different feeling from Mitchell. “Sharon said it really wasn’t from what I got and I was sort of taken back by that. But being the owner of the company, I just don’t feel safe about it. If a company wants to book her, I just tell them she’s going through some problems and they have to talk to her. I don’t know what she wants said but I don’t feel comfortable about it. I’m not going to book her.”
Myren said he’d hope other people would feel the same way. “That’s how I feel. Tianna’s a wonderful girl and everything, but as running the company I have to look at it legally. I don’t want anything coming back on me. I hope Tianna thinks about it and that she’s not out trying to get her own work without telling people. I hope not.”
According to Myren, Lynn went into AIM earlier this week to have some tests done. “I guess she found out through that. She said she always had a feeling that she may have something. Because she used rugs awhile back. She used to use dirty needles. She even said that to Sharon. And I was like, this is the first time I’ve heard this. Why wouldn’t you check this before? She found it and was with my brother. Then Chris called me and she called me. I went down there for the meeting. That’s how it happened. I can’t feel comfortble about this. I have to tell companies that call up I can’t do anything right now with her. We have to wait and see.”
Gene adds: I remember several years ago being drawn into a similar story when a woman who worked in connection with the industry came down with Hep C. Because her boyfriend at the time was in the adult business and broke up with her, she wanted me to put the story out there that he was giving Hep C to other girls in the industry.