A night to acknowledge the ethnic performers, directors, producers, and companies in front of a star studded industry, is planned for Tuesday, July 13th, when the Urban X Awards are presented at 740 Club Downtown Los Angeles 753 Spring Street in Downtown Los Angeles at 8:00pm. The event which is produced by director Giana Taylor and her staff, have been very busy preparing for this event.
The awards were created to honor all the hard work of this past year from producers, directors, companies, agents, and talent, and showcases and celebrates the achievements of Black, Latin, Asian, and Interracial productions. The awards ceremony will be hosted by Misty Stone and Dana De Armond [pictured].
“I am looking forward to this year’s show. This year’s show will be amazing. I want everyone of every ethnicity to come out and enjoy the awards and help us celebrate. This is a movement that we all should be apart of” states Taylor.
The event will include; red carpet arrivals, live entertainment, a VIP pre party, an after party, and of course the exciting award ceremony itself.
Fans can still help decide the winners now, by casting their votes by going now to; www.urbanxawards.com/Nominations.html
The Urban X Awards are open to the public to attend, and tickets are on sale now by going to; www.wantickets.com/urbanxawards
Media and Press wishing to cover the awards and red carpet must fill out the media form on the site to be approved. Galaxy Publicity is handling the press and media again this year.
The Urban X Awards can reach out to your customer base with imprints, contests, banners and more! See our corporate packages for details, or email us at; [email protected]
Scott Slagerman and Simply Blown Glassware; www.simplyblown.com are custom making the awards this year.